Книги автора: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition
/ Книги автора: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition
/ honorato bonafe
Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition
Оглавление книги
- Introduction
- PART I Installation and Configuration
- CHAPTER 1 Installing Fedora
- Before You Begin the Installation
- Choosing How to Install Fedora
- Step-by-Step Installation
- Starting the Install
- Partitioning Your Hard Drive
- Choosing, Configuring, and Installing the Boot Loader
- Network Configuration
- Setting the Time Zone
- Creating a Root Password and User Accounts
- Software Selection and Installation
- Finishing the Install
- Firstboot Configuration
- Logging In and Shutting Down
- Reference
- CHAPTER 2 Fedora Quick Start
- The Fedora Desktop
- Getting Around Fedora
- Available Applications
- Keeping Your Software Up-to-Date
- Configuring Wireless Networks
- CHAPTER 3 Working with GNOME
- The GNOME Desktop Environment
- AIGLX — Eye Candy for the Masses
- Basic X Concepts
- Using X
- Starting X
- Using a Display Manager
- Starting X from the Console by Using startx
- Using Fedora's switchdesk Client
- KDE — The Other Environment
- Xfce
- Reference
- CHAPTER 4 Command-Line Quick Start
- Understanding the Command Line
- Navigating Through the File System
- Managing Files with the Shell
- Working with Compressed Files
- Use Essential Commands from the /bin and /sbin Directories
- Use and Edit Files in the /etc Directory
- Protect the Contents of User Directories — /home
- Use the Contents of the /proc Directory to Interact with the Kernel
- Work with Shared Data in the /usr Directory
- Temporary File Storage in the /tmp Directory
- Access Variable Data Files in the /var Directory
- Logging In to and Working with Linux
- Text-Based Console Login
- Logging Out
- Logging In and Out from a Remote Computer
- Using Environment Variables
- Using the Text Editors
- Working As Root
- Reading Documentation
- Reference
- PART II Desktop Fedora
- CHAPTER 5 On the Internet
- Browsing the Internet
- Choosing an Email Client
- RSS Readers
- Instant Messaging with Pidgin
- Internet Relay Chat
- Usenet Network Newsgroups
- The Pan News Client Newsreader
- Videoconferencing with Ekiga
- Reference
- CHAPTER 6 Productivity Applications
- What Is in OpenOffice.org?
- Installing and Configuring OpenOffice.org
- Working with OpenOffice.org Writer
- Working with OpenOffice.org Calc
- Office Suites for Fedora
- Productivity Applications Written for Microsoft Windows
- Reference
- CHAPTER 7 Multimedia
- Listening to Music
- Graphics Manipulation
- The GNU Image Manipulation Program
- Using Scanners in Fedora
- Working with Graphics Formats
- Capturing Screen Images
- Using Digital Cameras with Fedora
- Burning CDs and DVDs in Fedora
- Creating CDs and DVDs with Fedora's Graphical Clients
- Creating CDs from the Command Line
- Creating DVDs from the Command Line
- Sound and Music
- Viewing Video
- CHAPTER 8 Printing with Fedora
- Overview of Fedora Printing
- Configuring and Managing Print Services
- Creating and Configuring Local Printers
- Reference
- CHAPTER 9 Games
- PART III System Administration
- CHAPTER 10 Managing Users
- User Accounts
- Managing Groups
- Managing Users
- Managing Permissions
- Managing Passwords
- The Password File
- Shadow Passwords
- Managing Password Security for Users
- Changing Passwords in a Batch
- Granting System Administrator Privileges to Regular Users
- Temporarily Changing User Identity with the su Command
- Granting Root Privileges on Occasion — The sudo Command
- Disk Quotas
- Reference
- CHAPTER 11 Automating Tasks
- Running Services at Bootup
- Beginning the Boot Loading Process
- Loading the Linux Kernel
- System Services and Runlevels
- Runlevel Definitions
- Booting into the Default Runlevel
- Booting to a Nondefault Runlevel with GRUB
- Understanding init Scripts and the Final Stage of Initialization
- Controlling Services at Boot with Administrative Tools
- Running Services Through xinetd
- Changing Runlevels
- Troubleshooting Runlevel Problems
- Starting and Stopping Services Manually
- Scheduling Tasks
- Basic Shell Control
- Reference
- CHAPTER 12 System-Monitoring Tools
- Console-Based Monitoring
- Using the kill Command to Control Processes
- Using Priority Scheduling and Control
- Displaying Free and Used Memory with free
- Graphical Process and System Management Tools
- KDE Process- and System-Monitoring Tools
- Reference
- CHAPTER 13 Backing Up
- Choosing a Backup Strategy
- Why Data Loss Occurs
- Assessing Your Backup Needs and Resources
- Evaluating Backup Strategies
- Making the Choice
- Choosing Backup Hardware and Media
- Using Backup Software
- tar: The Most Basic Backup Tool
- The GNOME File Roller
- The KDE Archiving Tools (KDE ark and kdat)
- Using the Amanda Backup Application
- Alternative Backup Software
- Copying Files
- Copying Files Using tar
- Compressing, Encrypting, and Sending tar Streams
- Copying Files Using cp
- Using mc to Copy Files
- System Rescue
- The Fedora Rescue Disc
- Backing Up and Restoring the Master Boot Record
- Manually Restoring the Partition Table
- Booting the System from the Rescue Disc
- Using the Recovery Facility from the Installation Disc
- Reference
- CHAPTER 14 Networking
- Using Network Configuration Tools
- Using Graphical Configuration Tools
- Command-Line Network Interface Configuration
- Network Configuration Files
- Laying the Foundation: The localhost Interface
- Networking with TCP/IP
- Advanced Wireless Networking
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- How DHCP Works
- DHCP Software Installation
- Using DHCP to Configure Network Hosts
- Other Uses for DHCP
- Using IP Masquerading in Fedora
- Ports
- Beyond the Network and Onto the Internet
- Common Configuration Information
- Configuring DSL Access
- Understanding Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
- Configuring a PPPoE Connection Manually
- Configuring Dialup Internet Access
- Troubleshooting Connection Problems
- Reference
- CHAPTER 15 Remote Access with SSH
- Setting Up a Telnet Server
- Setting Up an SSH Server
- The SSH Tools
- Using scp to Copy Individual Files Between Machines
- Using sftp to Copy Many Files Between Machines
- Using ssh-keygen to Enable Key-Based Logins
- Remote X
- Reference
- CHAPTER 16 Xen
- PART IV Fedora As a Server
- CHAPTER 17 Apache Web Server Management
- About the Apache Web Server
- Installing the Apache Server
- Starting and Stopping Apache
- Starting the Apache Server Manually
- Using /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd
- Controlling Apache with Fedora's service Command
- Controlling Apache with Fedora's chkconfig Command
- Graphic Interface Configuration of Apache
- Runtime Server Configuration Settings
- Runtime Configuration Directives
- Editing httpd.conf
- Apache Multiprocessing Modules
- Using .htaccess Configuration Files
- Options Directives
- File System Authentication and Access Control
- Apache Modules
- Virtual Hosting
- Logging
- Reference
- CHAPTER 18 Administering Database Services
- A Brief Review of Database Basics
- Choosing a Database: MySQL Versus PostgreSQL
- Speed
- Data Locking
- ACID Compliance in Transaction Processing to Protect Data Integrity
- SQL Subqueries
- Procedural Languages and Triggers
- Configuring MySQL
- Setting a Password for the MySQL Root User
- Creating a Database in MySQL
- Granting and Revoking Privileges in MySQL
- Configuring PostgreSQL
- Initializing the Data Directory in PostgreSQL
- Creating a Database in PostgreSQL
- Creating Database Users in PostgreSQL
- Deleting Database Users in PostgreSQL
- Granting and Revoking Privileges in PostgreSQL
- Database Clients
- SSH Access to a Database
- Local GUI Client Access to a Database
- Web Access to a Database
- The MySQL Command-Line Client
- The PostgreSQL Command-Line Client
- Graphical Clients
- Reference
- CHAPTER 19 File and Print
- Using the Network File System
- Putting Samba to Work
- Configuring Samba with system-config-samba
- Configuring Samba with SWAT
- Manually Configuring Samba with /etc/samba/smb.conf
- Testing Samba with the testparm Command
- Starting the smbd Daemon
- Mounting Samba Shares
- Network and Remote Printing with Fedora
- Enabling Network Printing on a LAN
- Session Message Block Printing
- Network-Attached Printer Configuration and Printing
- Using the Common UNIX Printing System GUI
- Console Print Control
- Avoiding Printer Support Problems
- Reference
- CHAPTER 20 Remote File Serving with FTP
- Choosing an FTP Server
- Installing FTP Software
- The FTP User
- xinetd Configuration for wu-ftpd
- Configuring the Very Secure FTP Server
- Configuring the wu-ftpd Server
- Using Commands in the ftpaccess File to Configure wu-ftpd
- Configure Access Control
- Configure User Information
- Configure System Logging
- Configure Permission Control
- Configure Commands Directed Toward the cdpath
- Structure of the shutdown File
- Configuring FTP Server File-Conversion Actions
- Strip Prefix
- Strip Postfix
- Add-On Prefix
- Add-On Postfix
- External Command
- An Example of Conversions in Action
- Using ftphosts to Allow or Deny FTP Server Connection
- Using Commands for Server Administration
- Display Information About Connected Users
- Count the Number of Connections
- Use /usr/sbin/ftpshut to Schedule FTP Server Downtime
- Use /var/log/xferlog to View a Log of Server Transactions
- Reference
- CHAPTER 21 Handling Electronic Mail
- How Email Is Sent and Received
- Basic Sendmail Configuration and Operation
- Configuring Masquerading
- Using Smart Hosts
- Setting Message Delivery Intervals
- Building the sendmail.cf File
- Mail Relaying
- Forwarding Email with Aliases
- Rejecting Email from Specified Sites
- Introducing Postfix
- Using Fetchmail to Retrieve Mail
- Choosing a Mail Delivery Agent
- Mail Daemons
- Alternatives to Microsoft Exchange Server
- Reference
- CHAPTER 22 Setting Up a Proxy Server
- What Is a Proxy Server?
- Installing Squid
- Configuring Clients
- Access Control Lists
- Specifying Client IP Addresses
- Sample Configurations
- Reference
- CHAPTER 23 Managing DNS
- Configuring DNS for Clients
- The /etc/host.conf File
- The /etc/nsswitch.conf File
- The /etc/hosts File
- The /etc/resolv.conf File
- Understanding the Changes Made by DHCP
- Essential DNS Concepts
- How Nameservers Store DNS Structure Information
- How DNS Provides Name Service Information to Users
- Name Resolution in Practice
- Using DNS Tools
- Configuring a Local Caching Nameserver
- Your Own Domain Name and Third-Party DNS
- Providing DNS for a Real Domain with BIND
- Providing DNS for a Real Domain
- Troubleshooting DNS
- Delegation Problems
- Reverse Lookup Problems
- Maintaining Accurate Serial Numbers
- Troubleshooting Problems in Zone Files
- Tools for Troubleshooting
- Using Fedora's BIND Configuration Tool
- Managing DNS Security
- UNIX Security Considerations
- DNS Security Considerations
- Using DNS Security Extensions
- Using Split DNS
- Reference
- PART V Programming Linux
- CHAPTER 25 Using Perl
- Using Perl with Linux
- Perl Variables and Data Structures
- Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Compound Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Other Operators
- Special String Constants
- Conditional Statements
- Looping
- Regular Expressions
- Access to the Shell
- Modules and CPAN
- Reference
- CHAPTER 26 Working with Python
- Python on Linux
- The Basics of Python
- Functions
- Object Orientation
- The Standard Library and the Vaults of Parnassus
- Reference
- CHAPTER 27 Writing PHP Scripts
- Introduction to PHP
- Entering and Exiting PHP Mode
- Variables
- Arrays
- Constants
- Comments
- Escape Sequences
- Variable Substitution
- Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Special Operators
- Switching
- Loops
- Including Other Files
- Basic Functions
- Handling HTML Forms
- Reference
- CHAPTER 28 C/C++ Programming Tools for Fedora
- Programming in C/C++ with Linux
- Using the C Programming Project Management Tools Provided with Fedora Linux
- Building Programs with make
- Using the autoconf Utility to Configure Code
- Managing Software Projects with Subversion
- Debugging Tools
- Using the GNU C Compiler
- Graphical Development Tools
- Reference
- CHAPTER 29 Mono
- PART VI Fedora Housekeeping
- CHAPTER 30 Securing Your Machines
- Understanding Computer Attacks
- Assessing Your Vulnerability
- Protecting Your Machine
- Viruses
- Configuring Your Firewall
- Forming a Disaster Recovery Plan
- Keeping Up-to-Date on Linux Security Issues
- Understanding SELinux
- Reference
- CHAPTER 31 Performance Tuning
- Hard Disk
- Using the BIOS and Kernel to Tune the Disk Drives
- The hdparm Command
- File System Tuning
- The tune2fs Command
- The e2fsck Command
- The badblocks Command
- Disabling File Access Time
- Kernel
- Apache
- Reference
- CHAPTER 32 Command-Line Master Class
- Why Use the Shell?
- Basic Commands
- Printing the Contents of a File with cat
- Changing Directories with cd
- Changing File Access Permissions with chmod
- Copying Files with cp
- Printing Disk Use with du
- Finding Files by Searching with find
- Searches for a String in Input with grep
- Paging Through Output with less
- Creating Links Between Files with ln
- Finding Files from an Index with locate
- Listing Files in the Current Directory with ls
- Reading Manual Pages with man
- Making Directories with mkdir
- Moving Files with mv
- Listing Processes with ps
- Deleting Files and Directories with rm
- Printing the Last Lines of a File with tail
- Printing Resource Usage with top
- Printing the Location of a Command with which
- Combining Commands
- Multiple Terminals
- Date and Time
- Capturing Screen Images
- Reference
- CHAPTER 33 Writing and Executing a Shell Script
- Running a Shell Program
- Interpreting Shell Scripts Through Specific Shells
- Using Variables in Shell Scripts
- Using a Simple Script to Automate Tasks
- Built-In Variables
- Special Characters
- Using Double Quotes to Resolve Variables in Strings with Embedded Spaces
- Using Single Quotes to Maintain Unexpanded Variables
- Using the Backslash As an Escape Character
- Using the Backtick to Replace a String with Output
- Comparison of Expressions in bash
- Special Statements: for, while, and Others
- The for Statement
- The while Statement
- The until Statement
- The shift Statement
- The if Statement
- The case Statement
- The break and exit Statements
- Using Functions in Shell Scripts
- Reference
- CHAPTER 34 Advanced Software Management
- Using RPM for Software Management
- rpm at the Command Line
- Two Handy Options
- Using rpm on the Command Line
- Extracting a Single File from an RPM File
- Getting Started with yum
- Running yum Noninteractively
- Using yum to Remove Packages
- Maintaining yum
- Using yum to Manage Package Inventory
- Configuring yum
- Using pirut for Software Management
- Using Yum Extender
- Creating a Local yum Repository
- Reference
- CHAPTER 35 Managing the File System
- The Fedora File System Basics
- Physical Structure of the File System on the Disk
- File System Partitions
- Network and Disk File Systems
- Viewing Your System's File Systems
- Working with the ext3 File System
- Understanding the ext3 File System Structure
- Journaling Options in ext3
- Verifying File Integrity in ext3 File Systems with the fsck Utility
- Other File Systems Available to Fedora
- Creating a File System
- The Disk as a Storage Device
- Creating the Partition Table
- Creating the File System on the Partitioned Disk
- Creating a DOS File System with mkdosfs
- Mounting File Systems
- Relocating a File System
- Installing the New Drive
- Creating the Partition Table and Formatting the Disk
- Mounting the New Partition and Populating It with the Relocated Files
- Logical Volume Management
- File System Manipulation
- Creating a File System for Testing
- Mounting a Partition as Read-Only on a Running System
- Examine an initrd Image File
- Reference
- CHAPTER 36 Kernel and Module Management
- PART VII Appendices
- APPENDIX A The History of Red Hat and Fedora
- What Is Fedora?
- Fedora for Business
- Fedora in Your Home
- 64-Bit Fedora
- Fedora on the PPC Platform
- Fedora on Multicore Machines
- APPENDIX B Installation Resources
- Planning Your Fedora Deployment
- Business Considerations
- System Considerations
- User Considerations
- A Predeployment Planning Checklist
- Planning the Installation
- Hardware Requirements
- Meeting the Minimum Fedora Hardware Requirements
- Using Legacy Hardware
- Planning for Hard Drive Storage for Your Fedora Installation
- Checking Hardware Compatibility
- Preparing for Potential Hardware Problems
- Preparing and Using a Hardware Inventory
- Preparing for the Install Process
- Partitioning Before and During Installation
- Using Fedora's kickstart Installation Method
- Reference
- APPENDIX C Fedora and Linux Internet Resources
- Websites and Search Engines
- Web Search Tips
- Google Is Your Friend
- Fedora Package Listings
- Certification
- Commercial Support
- Documentation
- Linux Guides
- The Fedora Project
- Red Hat Linux
- Mini-CD Linux Distributions
- Floppy-Based Linux Distributions
- Various Intel-Based Linux Distributions
- PowerPC-Based Linux Distributions
- Linux on Laptops and PDAs
- X
- Usenet Newsgroups
- Mailing Lists
- Internet Relay Chat
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