Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Graphical Clients

Graphical Clients

If you'd rather interact with a database by using a graphical database client than with the command-line clients discussed in the previous section, you're in luck: A few options are available.

MySQL has an official graphical client, called MySQLGUI. MySQLGUI is available in both source and binary formats from the MySQL website at http://www.mysql.com/.

Web-based administration interfaces are also available for MySQL and PostgreSQL. phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are two such products. Both of these products are based on the PHP-embedded scripting language and therefore require you to have PHP installed. Of course, you also need to have a web server installed.

Related Fedora and Database Commands

The following commands are useful for creating and manipulating databases in Fedora:

createdb — Creates a new PostgreSQL database

createuser — Creates a new PostgreSQL user account

dropdb — Deletes a PostgreSQL database

dropuser — Deletes a PostgreSQL user account

mysql — Interactively queries the mysqld server

mysqladmin — Administers the mysqld server

mysqldump — Dumps or backs up MySQL data or tables

pgaccess — Accesses a PostgreSQL database server

pg_ctl — Controls a PostgreSQL server or queries its status

psql — Accesses PostgreSQL via an interactive terminal

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