Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Manually Configuring Quotas

Manually Configuring Quotas

Manual configuration of quotas involves changing entries in your system's file system table, /etc/fstab, to add the usrquota mount option to the desired portion of your file system. As an example in a simple file system, quota management can be enabled like this:

LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults,usrquota 1 1

Group-level quotas can also be enabled by using the grpquota option. As the root opera tor, you must then create a file (using the example of creating user quotas) named aquota.user in the designated portion of the file system, like so:

# touch /quota.user

You should then turn on the use of quotas by using the quotaon command:

# quotaon -av

You can then edit user quotas with the edquota command to set hard and soft limits on file system use. The default system editor (vi unless you change your EDITOR environment variable) is launched when a user's quota is edited.

Any user can find out what her quotas are with the following:

$ quota -v


No graphical tools supported by Fedora can be used to configure disk quotas. A Quota mini-HOWTO is maintained at http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Quota.html.

Related Fedora Commands

You will use these commands to manage user accounts in Fedora:

ac — A user account-statistics command

change — Sets or modifies user password expiration policies

chfn — Creates or modifies user finger information in /etc/passwd

chgrp — Modifies group memberships

chmod — Changes file permissions

chown — Changes file ownerships

chpasswd — Batch command to modify user passwords

chsh — Modifies a user's shell

groups — Displays existing group memberships

logname — Displays a user's login name

newusers — Batches user management command

passwd — Creates or modifies user passwords

su — Executes shell or command as another user

sudo — Manages selected user execution permissions

system-config-users — Fedora's graphical user management tool

useradd — Creates, modifies, or manages users

userinfo — Fedora's graphical chfn command

usermod — Edits a user's login profile

userpasswd — Fedora's graphical user password command

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