Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Web Search Tips

Web Search Tips

Troubleshooting problems with Linux by searching the web can be an efficient and productive way to get answers to vexing problems. One of the most basic rules for conducting productive searches is to use specific search terms to find specific answers. For example, if you simply search for "Fedora Linux," you end up with too many links and too much information. But if you search for "Fedora sound," you are more likely to find the information you need. If you receive an error message, use it; otherwise, use the Linux kernel diagnostic message as your search criterion.

Other effective techniques include the following:

? Using symbols in the search string, such as the plus sign (+) to force matches of web pages containing both strings (if such features are supported by the search engine)

? Searching within returned results

? Sorting results (usually by date to get the latest information)

? Searching for related information

? Stemming searches; for example, specifying returns for not only link but also linking and linked

Invest some time and experiment with your favorite search engine's features — more productive searches will result. In addition to sharpening your search skills, also take the time to choose the best search engine for your needs.

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