Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Mail Daemons

Mail Daemons

Fedora provides an imap package that installs IMAP and POP daemons (servers) for your system. These servers facilitate receiving mail from a remote site. After it is installed, the documentation is found in /usr/share/doc/imap and the Read Me is brief; Fedora has already done the configuration for you; you need only start the services (see Chapter 15, "Remote Access with SSH").

Biff and its KDE cousin KOrn are small daemons that monitor your mail folder and notify you when a message has been placed there. It is common to include biff y in the .login or .profile files to automatically start it upon user login if you want to use Biff. You can start KOrn by adding the applet to the KDE taskbar.


Autoresponders automatically generate replies to received messages; they are commonly used to notify others that the recipient is out of the office. Mercifully, Fedora does not include one, but you can find and install an autoresponder at Freshmeat.net. If you subscribe to a mailing list, be aware that automatic responses from your account can be very annoying to others on the list. Please unsubscribe from mail lists before you leave the office with your autoresponder activated.

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