Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Fedora Package Listings

Fedora Package Listings

You can quickly and easily view a list of the installed RPM packages installed on your Fedora system, along with a short description of each package, by using the rpm command:

$ rpm -qai | less

Fedora users can also use the yum command to view package names and information about not only installed packages, but any available updated packages, like this:

$ yum info | less

If you use Fedora and want to see info about only your installed packages, use the yum command's installed list option like so:

$ yum info installed | less

However, because this will generate a lot of information, you might want to generate a text file that contains all this information for your records. This is fairly easy to do by piping the output from the yum command into a file, as follows:

$ yum info available > -/availablepackages.txt


$ yum info installed > -/installedpackages.txt

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