Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

GUI-Based Printer Configuration Quick Start

GUI-Based Printer Configuration Quick Start

Configuring a printer for Fedora is easy but you must use root permission to do it. Make sure that the cupsd daemon is installed and running. If you elect to use printing support when you install Fedora, the daemon and related software will be installed. If you're not sure whether cupsd is running, you can quickly drop to a terminal and use the service command with the name of the service and the status keyword like so:

service cups status

You will see either

cupsd is stopped

or, if cupsd is running, an acknowledgement, along with its process ID, such as

cupsd (pid 2378) is running...

If cupsd is installed but not running, start the daemon like so:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/cups start

You can also use the service command to start the daemon, like so:

service cups start

If you are using the desktop, select System, Administration, Printing. You will be asked to enter the root password. If not, you are using X as root, which is a bad idea. Log out, and then log back in as a regular user! After you enter the root password, the printer configuration dialog appears.

You then simply follow the prompts to define your printer and add local or remote printing services. You should print a test page before saving your changes. Use the printer configuration client or the File menu's Print menu item from a GNOME or KDE client.


The system-config-printer utility is an update to the now-legacy printtool client included with previous Red Hat Linux distributions. Although you might also find related tools (or symbolic links), such as printtool, printconf-tui, and /usr/sbin/printconf-gui installed on your system, you should use the system-config-printer client to manage printers under Fedora.

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