Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

What's New in This Edition?

What's New in This Edition?

This third edition covers GNU Emacs 21, specifically 21.3 and even more specifically 21.3.5.[2] This new edition has been completely revised and expanded to cover new features and to meet the evolving needs of Emacs users.

Here are some of the highlights of what we've changed:

• User interface changes, including the addition of an icon-based toolbar, extensive changes to menus, and a more graphical interface (Chapter 1)

• How Emacs interacts with the operating system clipboard, including specific clipboard-related commands (Chapter 2)

• Dynamic abbreviations (Chapter 3)

• Expanded coverage of the directory editor, Dired, to help you organize and work with files more efficiently (Chapter 5)

• Changes to the way Emacs handles tabs and indentation and how to get Emacs to do what you want it to (Chapter 7)

• Artist mode for drawing with the mouse (Chapter 7)

• Inserting characters from other character sets in HTML files (Chapter 8)

• Using font-lock mode for coloring text for easier editing (Chapter 9)

• Expanded Java coverage, including how to install and use the Java Development Environment for Emacs (JDEE) (Chapter 9)

• Perl support with Cperl mode (Chapter 9)

• Managing changes to large, multiple file projects more effectively using etags (Chapter 9)

• Customizing Emacs through the interactive Custom interface or through the .emacs startup file (Chapter 10)

• Expanded coverage of how version control mode connects with a variety of change control systems, including CVS, RCS, Subversion, and SCCS (Chapter 12)

• A new chapter on platform-specific considerations, including details on how to install the latest version of Emacs on Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X (Chapter 13)

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