Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition
The follow-up to the infamous Doom and Doom II was released in the second half of 2004 (see Figure 9.2), and it provides a way to run it under Linux. You still have to purchase the Windows version because you need some of the files that are on the CDs. The rest of the files are available from id Software at http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/doom.
FIGURE 9.2 Descending into the pits of hell. Doom 3 is one of the most graphic computer games available.
You can download the file doom3-linux-1.1.1282.x86.run
from the id Software FTP server or by using BitTorrent. When that's finished, open a terminal and change to the directory in which you saved the file. Type the following command:
# sh doom3-linux-1.1.1282.x86.run
This begins the installation of the demo. As with other commercial games, you must agree to a EULA before you can install. Follow the installation procedure, and when it finishes you need to get the Windows CDs ready.
You need to copy across the following files:
? pak000.pk4
? pak001.pk4
? pak002.pk4
? pak003.pk4
? pak004.pk4
They must be saved in the /usr/local/games/doom3/base/ directory. After you copy the files, you can start the game by typing doom3
or start the dedicated server for multiplayer games by typing doom3-dedicated