Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition



Xfce is another desktop environment, suitable for computers with not much memory or processing power. It's based on the same GTK libraries that are in use by GNOME, so it shares some of the look and feel of the GNOME desktop. That said, it comes bundled with a number of Xfce-specific applications to replace GNOME tools such as nautilus.

Some people just prefer the simplicity of Xfce, so we leave it up to you if you want to use it. You can access it in the same way as KDE (described previously) and a sample desktop is shown in Figure 3.12.

FIGURE 3.12 Xfce — lightweight and simplicity, molded together in a great package.

Related Fedora and Linux Commands

You can use these commands to create and configure the X Window System in Fedora:

Xorg — The X server that is provided with the X Window System distribution from The X.Org Foundation

mouseconfig — Fedora's text-based GUI pointing-device configuration program

kcontrol — The KDE Control Center client

system-config-display — Fedora's graphical X11R7 configuration tool

system-config-mouse — Fedora's graphical mouse configuration tool

gdmsetup — The GNOME display manager configuration client

startx — A shell script used to start one or more X sessions from the shell command line

xsri — A display manager root desktop decoration client

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