Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Whereas the earlier Return to Castle Wolfenstein was both single- and multiplayer, the freely available Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is multiplayer only (see Figure 9.5).

FIGURE 9.5 Teamwork is the key to victory in this lush but hostile graphical environment.

Available in Win32 and Linux native versions, you can download it via http://www.SplashDamage.com/. After you download the 260MB file named et-linux-2.55.x86.run, install the game by entering the following:

# sh et-linux-2.55.x86.run

Then accept the defaults. A symlink exists in /usr/local/bin to the script that loads the game. When using the KDE desktop, we had difficulty with sound because of a conflict with the KDE sound daemon artsd. The fix prepended a line to the et script that read killall artsd.

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