Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Red Hat Mailing Lists

Red Hat Mailing Lists

Red Hat provides a comprehensive archive and mailing list management web page at http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/. You can use this page to subscribe to one of more than 40 mailing lists related to Red Hat and Fedora. Some of the more pertinent lists are the following:

redhat-devel-list — Information for developers using Red Hat Linux

redhat-install-list — Installation issues about Red Hat Linux

redhat-list — General Red Hat Linux discussion list

redhat-ppp-list — Issues regarding PPP and dialup under Red Hat Linux

redhat-secure-server — Using Red Hat, Inc.'s secure server

redhat-watch-list — Announcements of bug fixes and updates for Red Hat Linux

rpm-list — Using the Red Hat Package Manager

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