Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Installing FTP Software

Installing FTP Software

As part of the Workstation installation, the client software for FTP is already installed. You can verify that FTP-related software is installed on your system by using the RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), grep, and sort commands in this query:

$ rpm -qa | grep ftp | sort

The sample results might differ, depending on what software packages are installed. In your Fedora file system, the /usr/bin/pftp file is symbolically linked to /usr/bin/ftp as well as the vsftpd server under the /usr/sbin directory. The base anonymous FTP directory structure is located under the /var/ftp directory. Other installed packages include additional text-based and graphical FTP clients.

If vsftpd is not installed, you can find it under FTP Server in the Add/Remove Applications dialog.


If you host an FTP server connected to the Internet, make it a habit to always check the Fedora site, http://fedora.redhat.com, for up-to-date system errata and security and bug fixes for your server software.

Because the anonftp and wu-ftpd RPM packages are not included with Fedora, you must download and install them if you want to use the wu-ftpd server. Retrieve the most recent packages for Linux from http://www.wu-ftpd.org/ to build from the latest source code or obtain RPM packages from a reputable mirror.

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