Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Address-Based Virtual Hosts

Address-Based Virtual Hosts

After you've configured your Linux machine with multiple IP addresses, setting up Apache to serve them as different websites is simple. You need only put a VirtualHost directive in your httpd.conf file for each of the addresses you want to make an independent website:

 ServerName gnulix.org
 DocumentRoot /home/virtual/gnulix/public_html
 TransferLog /home/virtual/gnulix/logs/access_log
 ErrorLog /home/virtual/gnulix/logs/error_log

Use the IP address, rather than the hostname, in the VirtualHost tag.

You can specify any configuration directives within the <VirtualHost> tags. For example, you might want to set AllowOverrides directives differently for virtual hosts than you do for your main server. Any directives that aren't specified default to the settings for the main server.

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