Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Creating a DOS File System with mkdosfs

Creating a DOS File System with mkdosfs

It is possible to create DOS file systems without owning any Microsoft software if you use the mkdosfs command. To create a DOS file system in an image file, use the -C option. The -n option enables you to specify a volume label. To create a 1.4MB DOS file system as an image file with the label dosfloppy, the sector size (-S) should be 512 and the block count should be 1440. Use the -v option to provide verbose output so that you can observe what happens.

# mkdosfs -n dosfloppy -v -C floppy.img -S 512 1440

A complete review of all the argument options and syntax for creating a DOS file system can be found in the man page for mkdosfs. The new file system must be mounted (as described in the following section) and then formatted with the mformat command.

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