Книга: Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

Access Control Lists

Access Control Lists

The main Squid configuration file is /etc/squid/squid.conf, and the default Fedora configuration file is full of comments to help guide you. The default configuration file allows full access to the local machine but denies the rest of your network. This is a secure place to start; we recommend you try all the rules on yourself (localhost) before rolling them out to other machines.

Before you start, open two terminal windows as root. In the first, change to the directory /var/log/squid and run this command:

tail -f access.log cache.log

That command reads the last few lines from both files and (thanks to the -f flag) follows them so that any changes appear in there. This allows you to watch what Squid is doing as people access it. We will refer to this window as the log window, so keep it open. In the other window (as root, remember), bring up the file /etc/squid/squid.conf in your favorite editor. This window will be referred to as the config editor, and you should keep it open also.

To get started, search for the string acl all — this brings you to the access control section, which is where most of the work needs to be done. There is a lot you can configure else where, but unless you have unusual requirements, you can leave the defaults in place.


The default port for Squid is 3128, but you can change that by editing the http_port line. Alternatively, you can have Squid listen on multiple ports by having multiple http_port lines: 80, 8000, and 8080 are all popular ports for proxy servers.

The acl lines make up your access control lists. The first 16 or so lines define the minimum recommended configuration for setting up which ports to listen to, and other fairly standard configuration settings that you can safely ignore. If you scroll down farther (past another short block of comments), you come to the http_access lines, which are combined with the acl lines to dictate who can do what. You can (and should) mix and match acl and http_access lines to keep your configuration file easy to read.

Just below the first block of http_access lines is a comment like # INSERT YOUR OWN RULE(S) HERE TO ALLOW ACCESS FROM YOUR CLIENTS. This is just what we are going to do. First, though, scroll just a few lines farther and you should see these two lines:

http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

The first says, "allow HTTP access to the local computer, but deny everyone else." This is the default rule, as mentioned earlier. Leave that in place for now, and run service squid start to start the server with the default settings. If you have not yet configured the local web browser to use your Squid server, do so now so you can test the default rules.

In your web browser (Firefox is assumed from here on, but it makes little difference), go to the URL http://fedora.redhat.com. You should see it appear as normal in the browser, but in the log window you should see a lot of messages scroll by as Squid downloads the site for you and stores it in its cache. This is all allowed because the default configuration allows access to the localhost.

Go back to the config editor window and add the following before the last two http_access lines:

http_access deny localhost

So the last three lines should look like this:

http_access deny localhost
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

Save the file and quit your editor. Then run this command:

kill -SIGHUP `cat /var/run/squid.pid`

That command looks for the PID of the Squid daemon and then sends the SIGHUP signal to it, which forces it to reread its configuration file while running. You should see a string of messages in the log window as Squid rereads its configuration files. If you now go back to Firefox and enter a new URL, you should see the Squid error page informing you that you do not have access to the requested site.

The reason you are now blocked from the proxy is because Squid reads its ACL lines in sequence, from top to bottom. If it finds a line that conclusively allows or denies a request, it stops reading and takes the appropriate action. So, in the previous lines, localhost is being denied in the first line and allowed in the second. When Squid sees localhost asking for a site, it reads the deny line first and immediately sends the error page — it does not even get to the allow line. Having a deny all line at the bottom is highly recommended so that only those you explicitly allow are able to use the proxy.

Go back to editing the configuration file and remove the deny localhost and allow localhost lines. This leaves only deny all, which blocks everyone (including the localhost) from accessing the proxy. Now we are going to add some conditional allow statements: We want to allow localhost only if it fits certain criteria.

Defining access criteria is done with the acl lines, so above the deny all line, add this:

acl newssites dstdomain news.bbc.co.uk slashdot.org
http_access allow newssites

The first line defines an access category called newssites, which contains a list of domains (dstdomain). The domains are news.bbc.co.uk and slashdot.org, so the full line reads, "create a new access category called newssites, which should filter on domain, and contain the two domains listed." It does not say whether access should be granted or denied to that category; that comes in the next line. The line http_access allow newssites means, "allow access to the category newssites with no further restrictions." It is not limited to localhost, which means this applies to every computer connecting to the proxy server.

Save the configuration file and rerun the kill -SIGHUP line from before to restart Squid; then go back to Firefox and try loading http://fedora.redhat.com. You should see the same error as before because that was not in the newssites category. Now try http://news.bbc.co.uk, and it should work. However, if you try http://www.slashdot.org, it will not work, and you might also have noticed that the images did not appear on the BBC News website either. The problem here is that specifying slashdot.org as the website is very specific: It means that http://slashdot.org will work, whereas http://www.slashdot.org will not. The BBC News site stores its images on the site http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk, which is why they do not appear.

Go back to the configuration file, and edit the newssites ACL to this:

acl newssites dstdomain .bbc.co.uk .slashdot.org

Putting the period in front of the domains (and in the BBC's case, taking the news off also) means that Squid allows any subdomain of the site to work, which is usually what you will want. If you want even more vagueness, you can just specify .com to match *.com addresses.

Moving on, you can also use time conditions for sites. For example, if you want to allow access to the news sites in the evenings, you can set up a time category using this line:

acl freetime time MTWHFAS 18:00-23:59

This time, the category is called freetime and the condition is time, which means we need to specify what time the category should contain. The seven characters following that are the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, tHursday, Friday, sAturday, and sUnday. Thursday and Saturday use capital H and A so that they do not clash with Tuesday and Sunday.

With the freetime category defined, you can change the http_access line to include it, like this:

http_access allow newssites freetime

For Squid to allow access now, it must match both conditions — the request must be for either *.bbc.co.uk or slashdot.org, and during the time specified. If either condition does not match, the line is not matched and Squid continues looking for other matching rules beneath it. The times you specify here are inclusive on both sides, which means users in the freetime category can surf from 18:00:00 until 23:59:59.

You can add as many rules as you like, although you should be careful to try to order them so that they make sense. Keep in mind that all conditions in a line must be matched for the line to be matched. Here is a more complex example:

? You want a category newssites that contains serious websites people need for their work.

? You want a category playsites that contains websites people do not need for their work.

? You want a category worktime that stretches from 09:00 to 18:00.

? You want a category freetime that stretches from 18:00 to 20:00, when the office closes.

? You want people to be able to access the news sites, but not the play sites, during working hours.

? You want people to be able to access both the news sites and the play sites during the free time hours.

To do that, you need the following rules:

acl newssites dstdomain .bbc.co.uk .slashdot.org
acl playsites dstdomain .tomshardware.com fedora.redhat.com
acl worktime time MTWHF 9:00-18:00
acl freetime time MTWHF 18:00-20:00
http_access allow newssites worktime
http_access allow newssites freetime
http_access allow playsites freetime


The letter D is equivalent to MTWHF in meaning "all the days of the working week."

Notice that there are two http_access lines for the newssites category: one for worktime and one for freetime. All the conditions must be matched for a line to be matched. The alternative would be to write this:

http_access allow newssites worktime freetime

However, if you do that and someone visits news.bbc.co.uk at 2:30 p.m. (14:30) on a Tuesday, Squid works like this:

? Is the site in the newssites category? Yes, continue.

? Is the time within the worktime category? Yes, continue.

? Is the time within the freetime category? No; do not match rule, and continue searching for rules.

Two lines therefore are needed for the worktime category.

One particularly powerful way to filter requests is with the url_regex ACL line. This enables you to specify a regular expression that is checked against each request: If the expression matches the request, the condition matches.

For example, if you want to stop people downloading Windows executable files, you would use this line:

acl noexes url_regex -i exe$

The dollar sign means "end of URL," which means it would match http://www.somesite.com/virus.exe but not http://www.executable.com/innocent.html. The -i part means "case-insensitive," so the rule matches .exe, .Exe, .EXE, and so on. You can use the caret sign (^) for "start of URL."

For example, you could stop some pornography sites by using this ACL:

acl noporn url_regex -i sex

Do not forget to run the kill -SIGHUP command each time you make changes to Squid; otherwise, it does not reread your changes. You can have Squid check your configuration files for errors by running squid -k parse as root. If you see no errors, it means your configuration is fine.


It is critical that you run the command kill -SIGHUP and provide it the process ID of your Squid daemon each time you change the configuration; without this, Squid does not reread its configuration files.

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