Книга: Управление отделом продаж

Рекомендуемая литература

Рекомендуемая литература

Факторы, влияющие на качество работы

Cron, William L., Greg W. Marshal, Jagdip Singh, Rosann L. Spiro, and Harish Sujan. Saplesperson Selection, Training, and Development: Trends, Implications, and Research Opportunities. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 25 (весна, 2005). С. 123–136.

Redaya, Peter A., Roger Marshall, and A. Parasuraman. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessing the Characteristics and Sales Potential of Modern Salespeople. Industrial Marketing Management 38, № 7 (октябрь, 2009). С. 838–844.

Yang, Byunghwa, Youngchan Kim and Richard G. McGarland. Individual Differences and Sales Performance: A Distal-Proximal Mediation Model of Self-Efficacy, Conscientiousness, and Extraversion. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31 (осень, 2011). С. 371–382.

Гендерные и культурные различия

Boles, James S. John Andy Wood, and Julie Johnson. Interrelationships of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Work-Family Conflict with Different Facets of Job Satisfaction and the Moderating Effects of Gender. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 23 (весна, 2003). С. 99–113.

Hansen, John D., Tanuja Singj, Dan C. Weilbaker, Rodrigo Guesalaga. Cultural Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Selling: Propositions and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31 (лето, 2011). С. 243–254.

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