Книга: Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage, Security, & Networking Pocket Consultant

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Страница книги Просмотры
Configuring point and print restrictions 11090
Setting special permissions on files and folders 9592
Deleting shadow copies 7074
Auditing and troubleshooting DHCP 5464
Repairing disk errors and inconsistencies automatically 3664
Creating a storage pool 3655
Viewing user and computer sessions 3177
Configuring multiple gateways 3097
Scheduling and prioritizing print jobs 2134
Reactivating dynamic disks 2095
Updating DHCP statistics 2046
Configuring NFS sharing 1938
Exporting and importing NTFS disk quota settings 1858
Deleting disk quota entries 1823
Creating a virtual disk in a storage space 1725
Using and enabling file sharing 1451
Starting a server in safe mode 1425
Understanding NTFS disk quotas and how NTFS quotas are used 1382
Starting and using the DHCP console 1338
Installing TCP 1329
Creating and managing failover scopes 1253
Configuring global names 1195
Modifying the SOA record 1159
Setting NTFS disk quota policies 1134
Compressing drives and data 1111
CHAPTER 1: Managing file systems and drives 1068
Introduction 1065
Troubleshooting storage spaces 1061
CHAPTER 3: Data sharing and redundancy 1058
Monitoring printers and printer queues automatically 1053
Managing disk quota templates 1052
Repairing a mirrored system volume to enable boot 1046
Integrating DHCP and DNS 1045
CHAPTER 2: Configuring storage 1026
Physical drives 1021
Creating and scheduling backups with Wbadmin 978
Deploying printer connections 972
Managing the File And Storage Services role 953
Assigning user logon and logoff scripts 946
Integrating DHCP and NAP 940
Implementing RAID-1: disk mirroring 898
Adding DNS aliases with CNAME 889
Getting started with Work Folders 866
Working with standards-based storage 845
CHAPTER 4: Data security and auditing 828
Configuring name resolution on DNS clients 827
CHAPTER 9: Optimizing DNS 815
CHAPTER 10: Administering network printers and print services 811
Installing network-attached print devices 810
Using, configuring, and managing NTFS disk quotas 810
Configuring Automatic Updates 805
Resizing partitions and volumes 799

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