Книга: Управление отделом продаж

Рекомендуемая литература

Рекомендуемая литература

Gatgnon, Aline, and Hubert Gatignon, Erin Anderson and the path Breaking Work of TCE in New Areas of Business Research: Transaction Costs in Action, Journal of Retailing 86, № 3 (2010). С. 232–247.

Holm, Morten, V. Kumar, and Carsten Rohde, Measuring Customer Profitability in Complex Environments: An Interdisciplinary Framework, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science 40, № 3 (2012). С. 387–401.

Mantrala, Murali, K. Sonke Albers, Fabio Caldieraro, Ove Jensen, Kissan Joseph, Manfred Krafft, ChakravarthiNarasimhan, SrinathGopalakrishna, AdrisZoltners, Rajiv Lal, Leonard Lodish, Sales Force Modeling: State of the Field and Research Agenda, Marketing Letters 21 (2010). С. 255–272.

Pappas, James M., Karen E. Flaherty and Shane C. Hunt. The Joint Influence of Control Strategies and Market Turbulence on Strategic Performance in Sales Driven Organizations, Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 8, № 2 (2007). Стр. 141–164.

Rajamma, Rajasree K., Mohammad Ali Zolfagharian, Lou E. Pelton, Dimensions and Outcomes of B2B Relational Exchange: A Meta-Analysis. The Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 28, № 1 (2010). С. 569–584.

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