Книга: DirectX 8 Programming Tutorial

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Страница книги Просмотры
DirectX Tutorial 12: Keyboard and Mouse Input 1369
DirectX Tutorial 9: Textured Spheres, Cylinders and Cones 1145
What are matrices and how do they work? 1144
How to make a sphere 1099
What is an Index Buffer? 1085
DirectX Tutorial 3: Rotating 3D Cube 1045
How to make a cone 1019
Getting mouse data 933
DirectX Tutorial 2: Drawing a Polygon 893
DirectX Tutorial 1: Getting Started 843
Creating a Terrain 810
DirectX Tutorial 11: 2D in 3D 787
Setting up the keyboard 770
DirectX Tutorial 4: Full Screen and Depth Buffers 770
How to make a cylinder 745
DirectX Tutorial 13: Sounds and Music 740
Creating a .x file with MilkShape 3D 736
How to make a cube 727
DirectX Audio and DirectShow 724
DirectX Tutorial 8: Index Buffers 720
DirectInput 703
Flexible Vertex Format (FVF) 688
DirectX Tutorial 6: Textures 683
DirectX Tutorial 7: Lighting and Materials 678
Matrices 677
DirectX Tutorial 10: Loading Complex Models 674
2D Cartesian Coordinate System 664
DirectX Tutorial 5: Matrix Transformations 662
Scaling makes your object darker? 639
Getting keyboard data 637
How do I use transformation matrices in DirectX? 632
Introduction 631
Implementing an Index Buffer in DirectX 630
3D Cartesian Coordinate System 626
Initialising DirectInput 624
Setting up DirectX Audio 615
Types of lighting 602
Backface Culling 594
3D Primitives 594
Setting up the mouse 592
A new class — CSound 592
Implementing lights in DirectX 585
Summary 585
Using Textures With DirectX 571
Include and Library files 562
Texture Coordinates 562
3D Modelling Software 559
Texture Size 554
Loading a .x file into your program 547
2D Camera 544
Vertex Buffers 544
Introduction 541

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