Книга: DirectX 8 Programming Tutorial
Getting keyboard data
Getting keyboard data
We have a new function called ProcessKeyboard which is called from our Render function. This means that ProcessKeyboard will be called once per frame. The code for ProcessKeyboard is shown below.
void CGame::ProcessKeyboard() {
char KeyboardState[256];
if (FAILED(m_pKeyboard->GetDeviceState(sizeof(KeyboardState),(LPVOID)&KeyboardState))) {
if (KEYDOWN(KeyboardState, DIK_ESCAPE)) {
//Escape key pressed. Quit game.
m_fQuit = true;
//Rotate Earth
if (KEYDOWN(KeyboardState, DIK_RIGHT)) {
m_rRotate –= 0.5f;
} else if(KEYDOWN(KeyboardState, DIK_LEFT)) {
m_rRotate += 0.5f;
//Set an upper and lower limit for the rotation factor
if (m_rRotate < –20.0f) {
m_rRotate = –20.0f;
} else if(m_rRotate > 20.0f) {
m_rRotate = 20.0f;
//Scale Earth
if (KEYDOWN(KeyboardState, DIK_UP)) {
m_rScale += 0.5f;
} else if (KEYDOWN(KeyboardState, DIK_DOWN)) {
m_rScale –= 0.5f;
//Set an upper and lower limit for the scale factor
if (m_rScale < 1.0f) {
m_rScale = 1.0f;
} else if(m_rScale > 20.0f) {
m_rScale = 20.0f;
This function is pretty straightforward. At the start we call GetDeviceState which gets the current state of the keyboard device. The function call fills a char array with the key states of the keyboard. You can see from the function above, that once the array has been populated with key states, we can then use a simple macro called KEYDOWN to ascertain if a given key is in the down position. The KEYDOWN macro is shown below. So, based on certain key states, we manipulate some member variables that control scale and rotation.
#define KEYDOWN(name, key) (name[key] & 0x80)
- DirectX Tutorial 12: Keyboard and Mouse Input
- Setting up the keyboard
- Buffered and Immediate Data
- Getting mouse data
- Using the data
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