Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

3.4.2 Edit Menu

3.4.2 Edit Menu

The Edit menu also has many of the familiar options. Some Eclipse-and CDT-specific features include:

• Incremental Find Next/Previous: Search for expressions in the active editor. As you type the search expression, Eclipse incrementally jumps to the next/previous exact match.

• Add Bookmark: Adds a bookmark in the active file on the line where the cursor is displayed.

• Add Task: Adds a task in the active file on the line where the cursor is displayed.

• Word Completion (Alt + /): Attempts to complete the word currently being entered in the active editor.

• Quick fix: Supposedly offers suggestions on correcting certain errors when the cursor is on a line that has an error. Unfortunately, the only thing I’ve seen so far is “No suggestions available.”

• Content Assist: Opens a dialog at the current cursor location to offer assistance in the form of proposals and templates. The templates can be configured through the Window menu at Window?Preferences?C/C++?C/C++ Editor?Content Assist.

• Parameter Hints: Displays the parameter portion of a function prototype.

• Format: Reformats a source file to match the currently selected coding style.

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