Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

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· #1

The membership categories were modified somewhat in July of 2008. For details of the new membership categories, see the following page at the Eclipse Web site: www.eclipse.org/membership/become_a_member/membershipTypes.php.

· #2

Personally, I think that should be the default.

· #3

I find it a little odd that Eclipse can’t automatically insert the sort library here, since it apparently figured out that sort is a library project.

· #4


· #5

This is the location of the nfs script on a Red Hat or Fedora distribution. Other distributions may locate it somewhere else.

· #6

You can also manipulate this preference by clicking the View Menu icon in the Remote Systems view.

· #7

Regardless of where you chose to build the package, the MWT runtimes get installed in /usr/local by default.

· #8

OSGi originally stood for Open Services Gateway initiative. At some point that term was dropped, and now the organization and its specifications are simply referred to as OSGi.

· #9

This particular example comes from a paper describing the embedded Rich Client Platform posted at IBM’s Developer Works, at http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-ecl-rcp/. Check it out.

· #10

Version 2.0 was released by the Object Management Group (OMG) in 2003.

· #11

Be aware, of course, that the file name may change.

· #12

The example was derived from this web page: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/network/1582/uml-example.htm/.

· #13

I encountered an error at this point: “Errors saving CVS synchronization information to disk.” CVS created a hidden directory, .settings, in the project workspace that is owned by root and not world-writable. Changing the permissions fixed the problem.

· #14

I remember playing with an early version with VxWorks back in the mid-1990s.

· #15

As one open source practitioner put it some time ago, “Think free speech, not free beer.”


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