Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

Creating an Application Window

Creating an Application Window

Select File?New?Other…. The wizard dialog now has another entry under NAB called NAB/MWT Window. Select that and click Next. The new window gets a name, a class, and a type. For now, leave the defaults and click Finish. The new window shows up in the NAB/MWT Editor and the Properties view shows that it is 400?400 pixels. Add a Title string property. Call it “NAB Application.”

Now we’ll add a button to the window. Find the Commands section in the Object Box view and select the first entry, WSCvbn (Button class). Select that and click somewhere near the upper left corner of the newwin001 tab of the Editor. A new button instance is created. Grab a corner of the button and expand it. Note that the Properties view reflects the current location and size of the button, among other things.

Edit the properties (in the Properties view) as follows:

X: 10

Y: 10

Width: 200

Height: 30

Label string: Hello

The result should look like Figure 6.15.

Figure 6.15: Application window in NAB/MWT perspective.

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