Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

6.3.1 Getting and Installing NAB

6.3.1 Getting and Installing NAB

There are actually three elements to NAB:

1. The NAB Eclipse plug-in itself

2. WideStudio

3. JDK, the Java 2 software development kit

These elements need to be installed in the reverse order that they’re listed above. That is, JDK should be installed first. Go to http://www.java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp and click Download for JDK 6 Update 7 (or whatever is the latest update at the time). On the next page select Linux as your platform (unless you’re running Eclipse under Windows), agree to the Java SE Development Kit 6 License Agreement, and click Continue. You are then presented with a choice of downloading a self-extracting binary or a self-extracting RPM. I chose the binary.

Move the resulting .bin file to the directory where you want to install it. I chose /usr/local/. Then execute it. The binary code license is displayed, and you are prompted to agree to its terms. The JDK files are installed in a directory called jdk1.6.0_<version> in the current directory.

The DSDP-NAB project downloads page has a link to the WideStudio MWT libraries package, which happens to be hosted at http://www.sourceforge.net/.

Download the file, and then follow these instructions to install it:

1. Copy the *.tar.gz file to the directory where you want to build it.

2. cd to that directory.

3. cd ws-v3.97-12/src

4. ./configure

5. make runtime

6. export JAVA_HOME=JDK_install_directory

7. make mwt_java

8. su

9. make install

10. Add /usr/local/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

11. Add /usr/local/ws/bin[7] to your PATH

Step 6 is necessary if, like me, you have an older version of the JDK lurking in the default location.

The final step is installing NAB, which doesn’t show up in any of the current software update sites, so you would expect to install it “manually.” This is what the DSDP-NAB download page describes. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. There are apparently some undocumented dependencies in the NAB plug-in.

A plea for help on the DSDP-NAB newsgroup finally yielded a response that included the link to an NAB update site: 


Add this to your list of update sites and expand it. You’ll find three entries:

• NAB/MWT for Linux GTK

• NAB/MWT for Win32

• Uncategorized, which expands to:

 ? NAB/MWT Plug-in

Select the third item and one of the first two depending on your host platform.

Note: It seems that many, if not most, of the mature Eclipse projects have established update sites, although it’s not always apparent. It may take some serious digging around and asking questions on the relevant newsgroup. As a last resort, see if the following link exists:


where <project_name> is the name of the project you’re trying to install and <sub_project> is an optional sub-project name.

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