Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

6.2 Target Management and the Remote System Explorer (RSE)

The Remote System Explorer (RSE) is a collection of tools that allows you to work with resources such as files and folders on remote systems. The Remote System Explorer perspective allows you to directly manipulate resources on a remote system. The available actions depend on the type of system you’re connecting to and the way the resource is recognized.

For a quick tour of some basic RSE capabilities, go to the Remote System Explorer perspective. Currently, there is one item called Local. This, in fact, is the local host.

Expand that item to reveal Local Files and Local Shells. Under Local Files is My Home and Root, which are fairly self-explanatory. Expand My Home, and you’ll see the contents of your home directory. Root, of course, is the entire local file system.

Right-click on Local Shells and select Launch Shell. This brings up a Remote Shell view in the lower tabbed window. Commands are entered in the small window at the bottom, and the results show up in the larger window. Figure 6.5 shows the result of executing the ls command on my workspace directory. File name completion is done with CTRL+Space rather than tab. The Remote Shell view has tool bar icons to clear the results, terminate the shell, and save both command results and command history to files.

Figure 6.5: Remote Shell.

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