Книга: Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Quiz time 15

Quiz time 15

In each case, choose the best option.

1 An 8-bit microcontroller has:

(a) an 8-bit data bus.

(b) eight ports.

(c) an 8-bit address bus.

(d) eight internal registers.

2 Compared with the Pentium 4, a microcontroller:

(a) is faster.

(b) consumes less current.

(c) is more complex.

(d) is larger.

3 watchdog circuit prevents:

(a) damage due to excessively high supply voltages.

(b) an overrun in timer/counter circuits.

(c) burglars.

(d) wastage of power while the microcontroller is not being used.

4 It is NOT essential for a microcontroller circuit to include:

(a) registers.

(b) a reset pin.

(c) some memory.

(d) a crystal.

5 The term ‘ISR’ refers to an:

(a) immediate service register.

(b) internal system reset.

(c) interrupt service routine.

(d) instruction set register.

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