Книга: Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Quiz time 4

Quiz time 4

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The number –3510, when expressed as an 8-bit binary number in two’s complement form, is:

(a) 00100011.

(b) 1111011101.

(c) 11011101.

(d) 00110101.

2 The number 710 converted to an unpacked BCD format would be written as:

(a) 1110 0000.

(b) 7H.

(c) 0000 0111.

(d) 0111.

3 The signed magnitude number 110011002 is equivalent to:

(a) –7610.

(b) 20410.

(c) CCH.

(d) 121210.

4 In the number 0.5?1024 the number:

(a) 10 is the mantissa.

(b) 24 is the exponent.

(c) 0 is the sign bit.

(d) 5 is the radix.

5 A signed magnitude number that has a figure:

(a) zero as the msb is a negative number.

(b) one as the lsb is a negative number.

(c) one as the msb is a negative number.

(d) zero as the lsb is a negative number.

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