Книга: Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C

2.1.8 Parallel I/O Ports

2.1.8 Parallel I/O Ports

The parallel ports in PIC18F microcontrollers are very similar to those of the PIC16 series. The number of I/O ports and port pins varies depending on which PIC18F microcontroller is used, but all of them have at least PORTA and PORTB. The pins of a port are labeled as RPn, where P is the port letter and n is the port bit number. For example, PORTA pins are labeled RA0 to RA7, PORTB pins are labeled RB0 to RB7, and so on.

When working with a port we may want to:

• Set port direction

• Set an output value

• Read an input value

• Set an output value and then read back the output value

The first three operations are the same in the PIC16 and the PIC18F series. In some applications we may want to send a value to the port and then read back the value just sent. The PIC16 series has a weakness in the port design such that the value read from a port may be different from the value just written to it. This is because the reading is the actual port bit pin value, and this value can be changed by external devices connected to the port pin. In the PIC18F series, a latch register (e.g., LATA for PORTA) is introduced to the I/O ports to hold the actual value sent to a port pin. Reading from the port reads the latched value, which is not affected by any external device.

In this section we shall be looking at the general structure of I/O ports.


In the PIC18F452 microcontroller PORTA is 7 bits wide and port pins are shared with other functions. Table 2.6 shows the PORTA pin functions.

Table 2.6: PIC18F452 PORTA pin functions

Pin Description
RA0 Digital I/O
AN0 Analog input 0
RA1 Digital I/O
AN1 Analog input 1
RA2 Digital I/O
AN2 Analog input 2
VREF– A/D reference voltage (low) input
RA3 Digital I/O
AN3 Analog input 3
VREF+ A/D reference voltage (high) input
RA4 Digital I/O
T0CKI Timer 0 external clock input
RA5 Digital I/O
AN4 Analog input 4
SS SPI Slave Select input
RA6 Digital I/O

The architecture of PORTA is shown in Figure 2.22. There are three registers associated with PORTA:

• Port data register — PORTA

• Port direction register — TRISA

• Port latch register — LATA

Figure 2.22: PIC18F452 PORTA RA0–RA3 and RA5 pins

PORTA is the name of the port data register. The TRISA register defines the direction of PORTA pins, where a logic 1 in a bit position defines the pin as an input pin, and a 0 in a bit position defines it as an output pin. LATA is the output latch register which shares the same data latch as PORTA. Writing to one is equivalent to writing to the other. But reading from LATA activates the buffer at the top of the diagram, and the value held in the PORTA/LATA data latch is transferred to the data bus independent of the state of the actual output pin of the microcontroller.

Bits 0 through 3 and 5 of PORTA are also used as analog inputs. After a device reset, these pins are programmed as analog inputs and RA4 and RA6 are configured as digital inputs. To program the analog inputs as digital I/O, the ADCON1 register (A/D register) must be programmed accordingly. Writing 7 to ADCON1 configures all PORTA pins as digital I/O.

The RA4 pin is multiplexed with the Timer 0 clock input (T0CKI). This is a Schmitt trigger input and an open drain output.

RA6 can be used as a general purpose I/O pin, as the OSC2 clock input, or as a clock output providing FOSC/4 clock pulses.


In PIC18F452 microcontroller PORTB is an 8-bit bidirectional port shared with interrupt pins and serial device programming pins. Table 2.7 gives the PORTB bit functions.

Table 2.7: PIC18F452 PORTB pin functions

Pin Description
RB0 Digital I/O
INT0 External interrupt 0
RB1 Digital I/O
INT1 External interrupt 1
RB2 Digital I/O
INT2 External interrupt 2
RB3 Digital I/O
CCP2 Capture 2 input, compare 2, and PWM2 output
RB4 Digital I/O, interrupt on change pin
RB5 Digital I/O, interrupt on change pin
PGM Low-voltage ICSP programming pin
RB6 Digital I/O, interrupt on change pin
PGC In-circuit debugger and ICSP programming pin
RB7 Digital I/O, interrupt on change pin
PGD In-circuit debugger and ICSP programming pin

PORTB is controlled by three registers:

• Port data register — PORTB

• Port direction register — TRISB

• Port latch register — LATB

The general operation of PORTB is similar to that of PORTA. Figure 2.23 shows the architecture of PORTB. Each port pin has a weak internal pull-up which can be enabled by clearing bit RBPU of register INTCON2. These pull-ups are disabled on a power-on reset and when the port pin is configured as an output. On a power-on reset, PORTB pins are configured as digital inputs. Internal pull-ups allow input devices such as switches to be connected to PORTB pins without the use of external pull-up resistors. This saves costs because the component count and wiring requirements are reduced.

Figure 2.23: PIC18F452 PORTB RB4–RB7 pins

Port pins RB4–RB7 can be used as interrupt-on-change inputs, whereby a change on any of pins 4 through 7 causes an interrupt flag to be set. The interrupt enable and flag bits RBIE and RBIF are in register INTCON.


In addition to PORTA and PORTB, the PIC18F452 has 8-bit bidirectional ports PORTC and PORTD, and 3-bit PORTE. Each port has its own data register (e.g., PORTC), data direction register (e.g., TRISC), and data latch register (e.g., LATC). The general operation of these ports is similar to that of PORTA.2.1.

In the PIC18F452 microcontroller PORTC is multiplexed with several peripheral functions as shown in Table 2.8. On a power-on reset, PORTC pins are configured as digital inputs.

Table 2.8: PIC18F452 PORTC pin functions

Pin Description
RC0 Digital I/O
T1OSO Timer 1 oscillator output
T1CKI Timer 1/Timer 3 external clock input
RC1 Digital I/O
T1OSI Timer 1 oscillator input
CCP2 Capture 2 input, Compare 2 and PWM2 output
RC2 Digital I/O
CCP1 Capture 1 input, Compare 1 and PWM1 output
RC3 Digital I/O
SCK Synchronous serial clock input/output for SPI
SCL Synchronous serial clock input/output for I?C
RC4 Digital I/O
SDI SPI data in
SDA I?C data I/O
RC5 Digital I/O
SDO SPI data output
RC6 Digital I/O
TX USART transmit pin
CK USART synchronous clock pin
RC7 Digital I/O
RX USART receive pin
DT USART synchronous data pin

In the PIC18F452 microcontroller, PORTD has Schmitt trigger input buffers. On a power-on reset, PORTD is configured as digital input. PORTD can be configured as an 8-bit parallel slave port (i.e., a microprocessor port) by setting bit 4 of the TRISE register. Table 2.9 shows functions of PORTD pins.

Table 2.9: PIC18F452 PORTD pin functions

Pin Description
RD0 Digital I/O
PSP0 Parallel slave port bit 0
RD1 Digital I/O
PSP1 Parallel slave port bit 1
RD2 Digital I/O
PSP2 Parallel slave port bit 2
RD3 Digital I/O
PSP3 Parallel slave port bit 3
RD4 Digital I/O
PSP4 Parallel slave port bit 4
RD5 Digital I/O
PSP5 Parallel slave port bit 5
RD6 Digital I/O
PSP6 Parallel slave port bit 6
RD7 Digital I/O
PSP7 Parallel slave port bit 7

In the PIC18F452 microcontroller, PORTE is only 3 bits wide. As shown in Table 2.10, port pins are shared with analog inputs and with parallel slave port read/write control bits. On a power-on reset, PORTE pins are configured as analog inputs and register ADCON1 must be programmed to change these pins to digital I/O.

Table 2.10: PIC18F452 PORTE pin functions

Pin Description
RE0 Digital I/O
RD Parallel slave port read control pin
AN5 Analog input 5
RE1 Digital I/O
WR Parallel slave port write control pin
AN6 Analog input 6
RE2 Digital I/O
CS Parallel slave port CS
AN7 Analog input 7

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