Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

7.4.6 Using Outline Minor Mode

7.4.6 Using Outline Minor Mode

Outline mode is also available as a minor mode so that you can use it subordinately to your favorite major mode. To start outline mode as a minor mode, type M-x outline-minor-mode; Outl appears on the mode line. In some ways, this mode is less convenient; rather than the simple C-c prefix you use for most outline mode commands, in outline minor mode, you must preface all commands with C-c @ instead, to avoid interfering with the usual C-c commands of the major mode. So, if you want to move down to the next heading (the C-c C-n command in outline mode), you would type C-c @ C-n instead.

Please note that mixing outline major mode and outline minor mode is not only redundant but can be dangerous. Turning on the minor mode while the major mode is on can confuse Emacs. Exit outline mode, then enter outline minor mode if you wish.

Table 7-4 summarizes outline mode commands. In the next section, we discuss another specialized editing method: editing with rectangles.

Table 7-4. Outline mode commands

Keystrokes Command name Action
(none) outline-mode Toggle outline mode.
C-c C-n Headings ? Next outline-next-visible-heading Move to the next heading.
C-c C-p Headings ? Previous outline-previous-visible-heading Move to the previous heading.
C-c C-f Headings ? Next Same Level outline-forward-same-level Move to the next heading of the same level.
C-c C-b Headings ? Previous Same Level outline-backward-same-level Move to the previous heading of same level.
C-c C-u Headings ? Up outline-up-heading Move up one heading level.
C-c C-t Hide ? Hide Body hide-body Hide all body lines.
C-c C-a Show ? Show All show-all Show everything that's hidden.
C-c C-q Hide ? Hide Sublevels hide-sublevels Display first level headers only.
C-c C-o Hide ? Hide Other hide-other Hide all text and headings outside the current subtree. First level headers show.
C-c @ outline-mark-subtree Mark the current header and all sublevels.
C-c C-^ outline-promote Promote the current heading one level.
C-c C-v outline-demote Demote the current heading one level.
C-c C-d Hide ? Hide Subtree hide-subtree Hide subheads and body associated with a given heading.
C-c C-c Hide ? Hide Entry hide-entry Hide the body associated with a particular heading (not subheads and their bodies).
C-c C-l Hide ? Hide Leaves hide-leaves Hide the body of a particular heading and the bodies of all its subheads.
C-c C-s Show ? Show Subtree show-subtree Show the subheads and text associated with a given heading.
C-c C-e Show ? Show Entry show-entry Show the body associated with a particular heading (not subheads and their bodies).
C-c C-k Show ? Show Branches show-branches Show the body of a heading and bodies of all its subheads.
C-c Tab Show ? Show Children show-children Show the next level of subheads associated with a particular heading (none of body text).

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