Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

2.5.2 MinGW

2.5.2 MinGW

MinGW, which stands for “Minimalist GNU for Windows,” is the other popular approach to installing the GNU tool chain on Windows. The primary difference between it and Cygwin is that MinGW uses the Windows C runtime libraries (mscvrt) instead of GNU’s libc. This means that a compatibility layer is not needed, thus getting around the GPL issues associated with Cygwin.

Of course, this also means that MinGW generates native Windows code, which is fine for learning about and experimenting with CDT, but won’t get you very far in building embedded target code. Nevertheless, the Eclipse documentation suggests that MinGW’s direct support for the Windows environment provides the best integration with CDT.

MinGW is strictly an open source project and is hosted at http://sourceforge.net/index.php.

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