Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

2.5 Embedded Software Development on Windows

Remember that our objective here is to use Eclipse for developing software for embedded devices, with an emphasis on those that are Linux-based. While it is possible to do embedded development under Windows, it’s somewhat more difficult because Windows, by itself, lacks a number of tools and services that are necessary, or at least highly desirable, for embedded software development.

Windows XP, other than the server edition, lacks network server facilities such as NFS (network file system) and TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol) that are very useful for debugging code on a target board. But most importantly, Windows lacks a tool chain for building software — a compiler, linker, assembler, libraries, etc.

The most widely used tool chain for embedded development is the GNU tool chain, which comes standard with just about every Linux distribution. There are two common approaches to adding a GNU tool chain to Windows: Cygwin and MinGW.

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