Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

2.1 System Requirements

The primary focus of this book is embedded software development using Linux. The primary focus of this chapter is installing and running Eclipse under Linux, which as we’ll see, turns out to be fairly straightforward. Eclipse runs perfectly well under Windows and Mac OSX, and we’ll take a look at the Windows installation process later in this chapter.

You will need a PC-class computer running a relatively recent Linux distribution. I happen to run both Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 and Fedora Core 6, but feel free to use Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu, or whatever your favorite distribution happens to be. The Eclipse Foundation does caution, however, that Eclipse is only tested and validated on a “handful of popular combinations of operating system and Java Platform.” From a Linux standpoint, the v3.4 Ganymede release has been validated on RHEL 4.0 and 5.0, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.

Installing a Linux distribution is beyond the scope of this book. There’s lots of information and help available from the various distribution websites.

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