Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse



This chapter covered the process of obtaining and installing Eclipse under both Linux and Windows. The Linux process is fairly straightforward. About the only hitch may be that the version of the Java Virtual Machine on your system may not be compatible with Eclipse.

Installation of Eclipse itself under Windows is equally straightforward. The problem, though, is that Windows lacks other features necessary to do software development, such as a compiler toolchain. Cygwin and MinGW are alternative approaches to installing the GNU toolchain under Windows.

Another useful tool for embedded development that Windows lacks is an NFS server. Cygwin includes an NFS server, but MinGW doesn’t. Two packages that provide NFS server functionality under Windows are nfsAxe from LabF and Allegro from Franz, Inc.

Now that we have Eclipse installed, it’s time to start playing around with it. That’s the subject of the next chapter.

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