Книга: Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Quiz time 11

Quiz time 11

In each case, choose the best option.

1 The ‘size’ of a microprocessor is determined by the:

(a) width of its data registers.

(b) number of lines in its external data bus.

(c) number of digits in its type number.

(d) width of its address registers.

2 An integrated circuit having 15 000 transistors is classed as a:

(a) LSI device.

(b) SLSI device.

(c) VLSI device.

(d) SSI device.

3 An untextured polygon:

(a) looks like a dinosaur.

(b) is just a wire-frame shape.

(c) has no shape.

(d) is a cube.

4 An L1 cache is usually:

(a) onboard the microprocessor.

(b) constructed from DRAM for maximum speed.

(c) slower than Level 2 cache.

(d) external to the microprocessor.


(a) means ‘radical instruction set computer’.

(b) has longer instructions and is therefore slower than a CISC chip.

(c) is part of everyday life.

(d) chips employ a smaller instruction set.

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