Книга: Distributed operating systems

3.4.3. Implementation

3.4.3. Implementation

Transactions sound like a great idea, but how are they implemented? That is the question we will tackle in this section. It should be clear by now that if each process executing a transaction just updates the objects it uses (files, data base records, etc.) in place, transactions will not be atomic and changes will not vanish magically if the transaction aborts. Furthermore, the results of running multiple transactions will not be serializable either. Clearly, some other implementation method is required. Two methods are commonly used. They will be discussed in turn below.

Private Workspace

Conceptually, when a process starts a transaction, it is given a private workspace containing all the files (and other objects) to which it has access. Until the transaction either commits or aborts, all of its reads and writes go to the private workspace, rather than the "real" one, by which we mean the normal file system. This observation leads directly to the first implementation method: actually giving a process a private workspace at the instant it begins a transaction.

The problem with this technique is that the cost of copying everything to a private workspace is prohibitive, but various optimizations make it feasible. The first optimization is based on the realization that when a process reads a file but does not modify it, there is no need for a private copy. It can just use the real one (unless it has been changed since the transaction started). Consequently, when a process starts a transaction, it is sufficient to create a private workspace for it that is empty except for a pointer back to its parent's workspace. When the transaction is at the top level, the parent's workspace is the "real" file system. When the process opens a file for reading, the back pointers are followed until the file is located in the parent's (or further ancestor's) workspace.

When a file is opened for writing, it can be located in the same way as for reading, except that now it is first copied to the private workspace. However, a second optimization removes most of the copying, even here. Instead of copying the entire file, only the file's index is copied into the private workspace. The index is the block of data associated with each file telling where its disk blocks are. In UNIX, the index is the i-node. Using the private index, the file can be read in the usual way, since the disk addresses it contains are for the original disk blocks. However, when a file block is first modified, a copy of the block is made and the address of the copy inserted into the index, as shown in Fig. 3-18. The block can then be updated without affecting the original. Appended blocks are handled this way too. The new blocks are sometimes called shadow blocks.

Fig. 3-18. (a) The file index and disk blocks for a three-block file. (b) The situation after a transaction has modified block 0 and appended block 3. (c) After committing.

As can be seen from Fig. 3-18(b), the process running the transaction sees the modified file, but all other processes continue to see the original file. In a more complex transaction, the private workspace might contain a large number of files instead of just one. If the transaction aborts, the private workspace is simply deleted and all the private blocks that it points to are put back on the free list. If the transaction commits, the private indices are moved into the parent's workspace atomically, as shown in Fig. 3-18(c). The blocks that are no longer reachable are put onto the free list.

Writeahead Log

The other common method of implementing transactions is the writeahead log, sometimes called an intentions list. With this method, files are actually modified in place, but before any block is changed, a record is written to the writeahead log on stable storage telling which transaction is making the change, which file and block is being changed, and what the old and new values are. Only after the log has been written successfully is the change made to the file.

Figure 3-19 gives an example of how the log works. In Fig. 3-19(a) we have a simple transaction that uses two shared variables (or other objects), x and y, both initialized to 0. For each of the three statements inside the transaction, a log record is written before executing the statement, giving the old and new values, separated by a slash.

Fig. 3-19. (a) A transaction. (b)-(d) The log before each statement is executed.

If the transaction succeeds and is committed, a commit record is written to the log, but the data structures do not have to be changed, as they have already been updated. If the transaction aborts, the log can be used to back up to the original state. Starting at the end and going backward, each log record is read and the change described in it undone. This action is called a rollback.

The log can also be used for recovering from crashes. Suppose that the process doing the transaction crashes just after having written the last log record of Fig. 3-19(d), but before changing x. After the failed machine is rebooted, the log is checked to see if any transactions were in progress at the time of the crash. When the last record is read and the current value of x is seen to be 1, it is clear that the crash occurred before the update was made, so x is set to 4. If, on the other hand, x is 4 at the time of recovery, it is equally clear that the crash occurred after the update, so nothing need be changed. Using the log, it is possible to go forward (do the transaction) or go backward (undo the transaction).

Two-Phase Commit Protocol

As we have pointed out repeatedly, the action of committing a transaction must be done atomically, that is, instantaneously and indivisibly. In a distributed system, the commit may require the cooperation of multiple processes on different machines, each of which holds some of the variables, files, and data bases, and other objects changed by the transaction. In this section we will study a protocol for achieving atomic commit in a distributed system.

The protocol we will look at is called the two-phase commit protocol (Gray, 1978). Although it is not the only such protocol, it is probably the most widely used. The basic idea is illustrated in Fig. 3-20. One of the processes involved functions as the coordinator. Usually, this is the one executing the transaction. The commit protocol begins when the coordinator writes a log entry saying that it is starting the commit protocol, followed by sending each of the other processes involved (the subordinates) a message telling them to prepare to commit.

Fig. 3-20. The two-phase commit protocol when it succeeds.

When a subordinate gets the message it checks to see if it is ready to commit, makes a log entry, and sends back its decision. When the coordinator has received all the responses, it knows whether to commit or abort. If all the processes are prepared to commit, the transaction is committed. If one or more are unable to commit (or do not respond), the transaction is aborted. Either way, the coordinator writes a log entry and then sends a message to each subordinate informing it of the decision. It is this write to the log that actually commits the transaction and makes it go forward no matter what happens afterward.

Due to the use of the log on stable storage, this protocol is highly resilient in the face of (multiple) crashes. If the coordinator crashes after having written the initial log record, upon recovery it can just continue where it left off, repeating the initial message if need be. If it crashes after having written the result of the vote to the log, upon recovery it can just reinform all the subordinates of the result. If a subordinate crashes before having replied to the first message, the coordinator will keep sending it messages, until it gives up. If it crashes later, it can see from the log where it was, and thus what it must do.

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