Книга: Distributed operating systems

2.4.5. Implementation Issues

2.4.5. Implementation Issues

The success or failure of a distributed system often hinges on its performance. The system performance, in turn, is critically dependent on the speed of communication. The communication speed, more often than not, stands or falls with its implementation, rather than with its abstract principles. In this section we will look at some of the implementation issues for RPC systems, with a special emphasis on the performance and where the time is spent.

RPC Protocols

The first issue is the choice of the RPC protocol. Theoretically, any old protocol will do as long as it gets the bits from the client's kernel to the server's kernel, but practically there are several major decisions to be made here, and the choices made can have a major impact on the performance. The first decision is between a connection-oriented protocol and a connectionless protocol. With a connection-oriented protocol, at the time the client is bound to the server, a connection is established between them. All traffic, in both directions, uses this connection.

The advantage of having a connection is that communication becomes much easier. When a kernel sends a message, it does not have to worry about it getting lost, nor does it have to deal with acknowledgements. All that is handled at a lower level, by the software that supports the connection. When operating over a wide-area network, this advantage is often too strong to resist.

The disadvantage, especially over a LAN, is the performance loss. All that extra software gets in the way. Besides, the main advantage (no lost packets) is hardly needed on a LAN, since LANs are so reliable. As a consequence, most distributed operating systems that are intended for use in a single building or campus use connectionless protocols.

The second major choice is whether to use a standard general-purpose protocol or one specifically designed for RPC. Since there are no standards in this area, using a custom RPC protocol often means designing your own (or borrowing a friend's). System designers are split about evenly on this one.

Some distributed systems use IP (or UDP, which is built on IP) as the basic protocol. This choice has several things going for it:

1. The protocol is already designed, saving considerable work.

2. Many implementations are available, again saving work.

3. These packets can be sent and received by nearly all UNIX systems.

4. IP and UDP packets are supported by many existing networks.

In short, IP and UDP are easy to use and fit in well with existing UNIX systems and networks such as the Internet. This makes it straightforward to write clients and servers that run on UNIX systems, which certainly aids in getting code running quickly and in testing it.

As usual, the downside is the performance. IP was not designed as an end-user protocol. It was designed as a base upon which reliable TCP connections could be established over recalcitrant internetworks. For example, it can deal with gateways that fragment packets into little pieces so they can pass through networks with a tiny maximum packet size. Although this feature is never needed in a LAN-based distributed system, the IP packet header fields dealing with fragmentation have to be filled in by the sender and verified by the receiver to make them legal IP packets. IP packets have in total 13 header fields, of which three are useful: the source and destination addresses and the packet length. The other 10 just come along for the ride, and one of them, the header checksum, is time consuming to compute. To make matters worse, UDP has another checksum, covering the data as well.

The alternative is to use a specialized RPC protocol that, unlike IP, does not attempt to deal with packets that have been bouncing around the network for a few minutes and then suddenly materialize out of thin air at an inconvenient moment. Of course, the protocol has to be invented, implemented, tested, and embedded in existing systems, so it is considerably more work. Furthermore, the rest of the world tends not to jump with joy at the birth of yet another new protocol. In the long run, the development and widespread acceptance of a high-performance RPC protocol is definitely the way to go, but we are not there yet.

One last protocol-related issue is packet and message length. Doing an RPC has a large, fixed overhead, independent of the amount of data sent. Thus reading a 64K file in a single 64K RPC is vastly more efficient than reading it in 64 1K RPCs. It is therefore important that the protocol and network allow large transmissions. Some RPC systems are limited to small sizes (e.g., Sun Microsystem's limit is 8K). In addition, many networks cannot handle large packets (Ethernet's limit is 1536 bytes), so a single RPC will have to be split over multiple packets, causing extra overhead.


When large RPCs have to be broken up into many small packets as just described, a new issue arises: Should individual packets be acknowledged or not? Suppose, for example, that a client wants to write a 4K block of data to a file server, but the system cannot handle packets larger than 1K. One strategy, known as a stop-and-wait protocol,is for the client to send packet 0 with the first 1K, then wait for an acknowledgement from the server, as illustrated in Fig. 2-25(b). Then the client sends the second 1K, waits for another acknowledgement, and so on.

The alternative, often called a blast protocol, is simply for the client to send all the packets as fast as it can. With this method, the server acknowledges the entire message when all the packets have been received, not one by one. The blast protocol is illustrated in Fig. 2-25(c).

Fig. 2-25. (a) A 4K message. (b) A stop-and-wait protocol. (c) A blast protocol.

These protocols have quite different properties. With stop-and-wait, if a packet is damaged or lost, the client fails to receive an acknowledgement on time, so it retransmits the one bad packet. With the blast protocol, the server is faced with a decision when, say, packet 1 is lost but packet 2 subsequently arrives correctly. It can abandon everything and do nothing, waiting for the client to time out and retransmit the entire message. Or alternatively, it can buffer packet 2 (along with 0), hope that 3 comes in correctly, and then specifically ask the client to send it packet 1. This technique is called selective repeat.

Both stop-and-wait and abandoning everything when an error occurs are easy to implement. Selective repeat requires more administration, but uses less network bandwidth. On highly reliable LANs, lost packets are so rare that selective repeat is usually more trouble than it is worth, but on wide-area networks it is frequently a good idea.

However, error control aside, there is another consideration that is actually more important: flow control. Many network interface chips are able to send consecutive packets with almost no gap between them, but they are not always able to receive an unlimited number of back-to-back packets due to finite buffer capacity on chip. With some designs, a chip cannot even accept two back-to-back packets because after receiving the first one, the chip is temporarily disabled during the packet-arrived interrupt, so it misses the start of the second one. When a packet arrives and the receiver is unable to accept it, an overrun error occurs and the incoming packet is lost. in practice, overrun errors are a much more serious problem than packets lost due to noise or other forms of damage.

The two approaches of Fig. 2-25 are quite different with respect to overrun errors. With stop-and-wait, overrun errors are impossible, because the second packet is not sent until the receiver has explicitly indicated that it is ready for it. (Of course, with multiple senders, overrun errors are still possible.)

With the blast protocol, receiver overrun is a possibility, which is unfortunate, since the blast protocol is clearly much more efficient than stop-and-wait. However, there are also ways of dealing with overrun. If, on the one hand, the problem is caused by the chip being disabled temporarily while it is processing an interrupt, a smart sender can insert a delay between packets to give the receiver just enough time to generate the packet-arrived interrupt and reset itself. If the required delay is short, the sender can just loop (busy waiting); if it is long, it can set up a timer interrupt and go do something else while waiting. If it is in between (a few hundred microseconds), which it often is, probably the best solution is busy waiting and just accepting the wasted time as a necessary evil.

If, on the other hand, the overrun is caused by the finite buffer capacity of the network chip, say n packets, the sender can send n packets, followed by a substantial gap (or the protocol can be defined to require an acknowledgement after every n packets).

It should be clear that minimizing acknowledgement packets and getting good performance may be dependent on the timing properties of the network chip, so the protocol may have to be tuned to the hardware being used. A custom-designed RPC protocol can take issues like flow control into account more easily than a general-purpose protocol, which is why specialized RPC protocols usually outperform systems based on IP or UDP by a wide margin.

Before leaving the subject of acknowledgements, there is one other sticky point that is worth looking at. In Fig. 2-16(c) the protocol consists of a request, a reply, and an acknowledgement. The last one is needed to tell the server that it can discard the reply as it has arrived safely. Now suppose that the acknowledgement is lost in transit (unlikely, but not impossible). The server will not discard the reply. Worse yet, as far as the client is concerned, the protocol is finished. No timers are running and no packets are expected.

We could change the protocol to have acknowledgements themselves acknowledged, but this adds extra complexity and overhead for very little potential gain. In practice, the server can start a timer when sending the reply, and discard the reply when either the acknowledgement arrives or the timer expires. Also, a new request from the same client can be interpreted as a sign that the reply arrived, otherwise the client would not be issuing the next request.

Critical Path

Since the RPC code is so crucial to the performance of the system, let us take a closer look at what actually happens when a client performs an RPC with a remote server. The sequence of instructions that is executed on every RPC is called the critical path, and is depicted in Fig. 2-26. it starts when the client calls the client stub, proceeds through the trap to the kernel, the message transmission, the interrupt on the server side, the server stub, and finally arrives at the server, which does the work and sends the reply back the other way.

Fig. 2-26. Critical path from client to server.

Let us examine these steps a bit more carefully now. After the client stub has been called, its first job is to acquire a buffer into which it can assemble the outgoing message. In some systems, the client stub has a single fixed buffer that it fills in from scratch on every call. In other systems, a pool of partially filled in buffers is maintained, and an appropriate one for the server required is obtained. This method is especially appropriate when the underlying packet format has a substantial number of fields that must be filled in, but which do not change from call to call.

Next, the parameters are converted to the appropriate format and inserted into the message buffer, along with the rest of the header fields, if any. At this point the message is ready for transmission, so a trap to the kernel is issued.

When it gets control, the kernel switches context, saving the CPU registers and memory map, and setting up a new memory map that it will use while running in kernel mode. Since the kernel and user contexts are generally disjoint, the kernel must now explicitly copy the message into its address space so it can access it, fill in the destination address (and possibly other header fields), and have it copied to the network interface. At this point the client's critical path ends, as additional work done from here on does not add to the total RPC time: nothing the kernel does now affects how long it takes for the packet to arrive at the server. After starting the retransmission timer, the kernel can either enter a busy waiting loop to wait for the reply, or call the scheduler to look for another process to run. The former speeds up the processing of the reply, but effectively means that no multiprogramming can take place.

On the server side, the bits will come in and be put either in an on-board buffer or in memory by the receiving hardware. When all of them arrive, the receiver will generate an interrupt. The interrupt handler then examines the packet to see if it is valid, and determines which stub to give it to. If no stub is waiting for it, the handler must either buffer it or discard it. Assuming that a stub is waiting, the message is copied to the stub. Finally, a context switch is done, restoring the registers and memory map to the values they had at the time the stub called receive.

The server can now be restarted. It unmarshals the parameters and sets up an environment in which the server call be called. When everything is ready, the call is made. After the server has run, the path back to the client is similar to the forward path, but the other way.

A question that all implementers are keenly interested in is: "Where is most of the time spent on the critical path?" Once that is known, work can begin on speeding it up. Schroeder and Burrows (1990) have provided us with a glimpse by analyzing in detail the critical path of the RPC on the DEC Firefly multiprocessor workstation. The results of their work are expressed in Fig. 2-27 as histograms with 14 bars, each bar corresponding to one of the steps from client to server (the reverse path is not shown, but is roughly analogous). Figure 2-27(a) gives results for a null RPC (no data), and Fig. 2-27(b) gives it for an array parameter with 1440 bytes. Although the fixed overhead is the same in both cases, considerably more time is needed for marshaling parameters and moving messages around in the second case.

For the null RPC, the dominant costs are the context switch to the server stub when a packet arrives, the interrupt service routine, and moving the packet to the network interface for transmission. For the 1440-byte RPC, the picture changes considerably, with the Ethernet transmission time now being the largest single component, with the time for moving the packet into and out of the interface coming in close behind.

Although Fig. 2-27 yields valuable insight into where the time is going, a few words of caution are necessary for interpreting these data. First, the Firefly is a multiprocessor, with five VAX CPUs. When the same measurements are run with only one CPU, the RPC time doubles, indicating that substantial parallel processing is taking place here, something that will not be true of most other machines.

Second, the Firefly uses UDP, and its operating system manages a pool of UDP buffers, which client stubs use to avoid having to fill in the entire UDP header every time.

Fig. 2-27. Breakdown of the RPC critical path. (a) For a null RPC. (b) For an RPC with a 1440-byte array parameter. (c) The 14 steps in the RPC from client to server.

Third, the kernel and user share the same address space, eliminating the need for context switches and for copying between kernel and user spaces, a great timesaver. Page table protection bits prevent the user from reading or writing parts of the kernel other than the shared buffers and certain other parts intended for user access. This design cleverly exploits particular features of the VAX architecture that facilitate sharing between kernel space and user space, but is not applicable to all computers.

Fourth and last, the entire RPC system has been carefully coded in assembly language and hand optimized. This last point is probably the reason that the various components in Fig. 2-27 are as uniform as they are. No doubt when the measurements were first made, they were more skewed, prompting the authors to attack the most time consuming parts until they no longer stuck out.

Schroeder and Burrows give some advice to future designers based on their experience. To start with, they recommend avoiding weird hardware (only one of the Firefly's five processors has access to the Ethernet, so packets have to be copied there before being sent, and getting them there is unpleasant). They also regret having based their system on UDP. The overhead, especially from the checksum, was not worth the cost. In retrospect, they believe a simple custom RPC protocol would have been better. Finally, using busy waiting instead of having the server stub go to sleep would have largely eliminated the single largest time sink in Fig. 2-27(a).


An issue that frequently dominates RPC execution times is copying. On the Firefly this effect does not show up because the buffers are mapped into both the kernel and user address spaces, but in most other systems the kernel and user address spaces are disjoint. The number of times a message must be copied varies from one to about eight, depending on the hardware, software, and type of call. In the best case, the network chip can DMA the message directly out of the client stub's address space onto the network (copy 1), depositing it in the server kernel's memory in real time (i.e., the packet-arrived interrupt occurs within a few microseconds of the last bit being DMA'ed out of the client stub's memory). Then the kernel inspects the packet and maps the page containing it into the server's address space. If this type of mapping is not possible, the kernel copies the packet to the server stub (copy 2).

In the worst case, the kernel copies the message from the client stub into a kernel buffer for subsequent transmission, either because it is not convenient to transmit directly from user space or the network is currently busy (copy 1). Later, the kernel copies the message, in software, to a hardware buffer on the network interface board (copy 2). At this point, the hardware is started, causing the packet to be moved over the network to the interface board on the destination machine (copy 3). When the packet-arrived interrupt occurs on the server's machine, the kernel copies it to a kernel buffer, probably because it cannot tell where to put it until it has examined it, which is not possible until it has extracted it from the hardware buffer (copy 4). Finally, the message has to be copied to the server stub (copy 5). In addition, if the call has a large array passed as a value parameter, the array has to be copied onto the client's stack for the call stub, from the stack to the message buffer during marshaling within the client stub, and from the incoming message in the server stub to the server's stack preceding the call to the server, for three more copies, or eight in all.

Suppose that it takes an average of 500 nsec to copy a 32-bit word; then with eight copies, each word needs 4 microsec, giving a maximum data rate of about 1 Mbyte/sec, no matter how fast the network itself is. In practice, achieving even 1/10 of this would be pretty good.

One hardware feature that greatly helps eliminate unnecessary copying is scatter-gather. A network chip that can do scatter-gather can be set up to assemble a packet by concatenating two or more memory buffers. The advantage of this method is that the kernel can build the packet header in kernel space, leaving the user data in the client stub, with the hardware pulling them together as the packet goes out the door. Being able to gather up a packet from multiple sources eliminates copying. Similarly, being able to scatter the header and body of an incoming packet into different buffers also helps on the receiving end.

In general, eliminating copying is easier on the sending side than on the receiving side. With cooperative hardware, a reusable packet header inside the kernel and a data buffer in user space can be put out onto the network with no internal copying on the sending side. When it comes in at the receiver, however, even a very intelligent network chip will not know which server it should be given to, so the best the hardware can do is dump it into a kernel buffer and let the kernel figure out what to do with it.

In operating systems using virtual memory, a trick is available to avoid the copy to the stub. If the kernel packet buffer happens to occupy an entire page, beginning on a page boundary, and the server stub's receive buffer also happens to be an entire page, also starting on a page boundary, the kernel can change the memory map to map the packet buffer into the server's address space, simultaneously giving the server stub's buffer to the kernel. When the server stub starts running, its buffer will contain the packet, and this will have been achieved without copying.

Whether going to all this trouble is a good idea is a close call. Again assuming that it takes 500 nsec to copy a 32-bit word, copying a 1K packet takes 128 microsec. If the memory map can be updated in less time, mapping is faster than copying, otherwise it is not. This method also requires careful buffer control, making sure that all buffers are aligned properly with respect to page boundaries. If a buffer starts at a page boundary, the user process gets to see the entire packet, including the low-level headers, something that most systems try to hide in the name of portability.

Alternatively, if the buffers are aligned so that the header is at the end of one page and the data are at the start of the next, the data can be mapped without the header. This approach is cleaner and more portable, but costs two pages per buffer: one mostly empty except for a few bytes of header at the end, and one for the data.

Finally, many packets are only a few hundred bytes, in which case it is doubtful that mapping will beat copying. Still, it is an interesting idea that is certainly worth thinking about.

Timer Management

All protocols consist of exchanging messages over some communication medium. In virtually all systems, messages can occasionally be lost, due either to noise or receiver overrun. Consequently, most protocols set a timer whenever a message is sent and an answer (reply or acknowledgement) is expected. If the reply is not forthcoming within the expected time, the timer expires and the original message is retransmitted. This process is repeated until the sender gets bored and gives up.

The amount of machine time that goes into managing the timers should not be underestimated. Setting a timer requires building a data structure specifying when the timer is to expire and what is to be done when that happens. The data structure is then inserted into a list consisting of the other pending timers. Usually, the list is kept sorted on time, with the next timeout at the head of the list and the most distant one at the end, as shown in Fig. 2-28.

When an acknowledgement or reply arrives before the timer expires, the timeout entry must be located and removed from the list. In practice, very few timers actually expire, so most of the work of entering and removing a timer from the list is wasted effort. Furthermore, timers need not be especially accurate. The timeout value chosen is usually a wild guess in the first place ("a few seconds sounds about right"). Besides, using a poor value does not affect the correctness of the protocol, only the performance. Too low a value will cause timers to expire too often, resulting in unnecessary retransmissions. Too high a value will cause a needlessly long delay in the event that a packet is actually lost.

The combination of these factors suggests that a different way of handling the timers might be more efficient. Most systems maintain a process table, with one entry containing all the information about each process in the system. While an RPC is being carried out, the kernel has a pointer to the current process table entry in a local variable. Instead of storing timeouts in a sorted linked list, each process table entry has a field for holding its timeout, if any, as shown in Fig. 2-28(b). Setting a timer for an RPC now consists of adding the length of the timeout to the current time and storing in the process table. Turning a timer off consists of merely storing a zero in the timer field. Thus the actions of setting and clearing timers are now reduced to a few machine instructions each.

Fig. 2-28. (a) Timeouts in a sorted list. (b) Timeouts in the process table.

To make this method work, periodically (say, once per second), the kernel scans the entire process table, checking each timer value against the current time. Any nonzero value that is less than or equal to the current time corresponds to an expired timer, which is then processed and reset. For a system that sends, for example, 100 packets/sec, the work of scanning the process table once per second is only a fraction of the work of searching and updating a linked list 200 times a second. Algorithms that operate by periodically making a sequential pass through a table like this are called sweep algorithms.

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