Книга: Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Opening and closing gates

Opening and closing gates

In the last chapter the binary values zero and one are represented by two different voltages. Binary zero is a voltage close to 0 V and binary one by a voltage close to +5 V (some logic circuits use other voltage levels but this is a popular value and will serve as an example). A gate is a simple electronic circuit that has a single output voltage that corresponds to one of the two binary values. These gates are often referred to as ‘logic gates’ and the output voltages as ‘logic 0’ or ‘logic 1’ instead of binary 0 and 1. The distinction is just in the name. If you were to ask a mathematician or a computer programmer, they will refer to the outputs as binary values but an electronics engineer will call them logic levels. It really doesn’t matter.

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