Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

2.1.4 Centering the Display

2.1.4 Centering the Display

C-l, the recenter command, puts the current line in the center of the window vertically. This feature is useful if you're typing at the bottom or the top of the display. Typing C-l quickly moves the material that you care about to the middle of the display, where it is easier to see the full context.

C-l also redraws the display, if for any reason it appears obscured or contains random characters. This doesn't happen as often as it used to when we used terminals, but it can be a handy thing to know about, especially if you find yourself using Emacs remotely in a terminal interface.

Table 2-2 lists cursor movement commands. If the command is mnemonic, the word to remember is given in italics.

Table 2-2. Cursor movement commands

Keystrokes Command name Action
C-f forward-char Move forward one character (right).
C-b backward-char Move backward one character (left).
C-p previous-line Move to previous line (up).
C-n next-line Move to next line (down).
M-f forward-word Move one word forward.
M-b backward-word Move one word backward.
C-a beginning-of-line Move to beginning of line.
C-e end-of-line Move to end of line.
M-e forward-sentence Move forward one sentence.
M-a backward-sentence Move backward one sentence.
M-} forward-paragraph Move forward one paragraph.
M-{ backward-paragraph Move backward one paragraph.
C-v scroll-up Move forward one screen.
M-v scroll-down Move backward one screen.
C-x ] forward-page Move forward one page.
C-x [ backward-page Move backward one page.
M-< beginning-of-buffer Move to beginning of file.
M-> end-of-buffer Move to end of file.
(none) goto-line Go to line n of file.
(none) goto-char Go to character n of file.
C-l recenter Redraw screen with current line in the center.
M-n digit-argument Repeat the next command n times.
C-u n universal-argument Repeat the next command n times (four times if you omit n).

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