Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

2.1.5 Emacs Commands and Your Keyboard

2.1.5 Emacs Commands and Your Keyboard

You can access many Emacs commands by pressing standard keys on your keyboard, such as PageDown (to scroll down one screen) or Home (to go to the beginning of a buffer). Figure 2-4 shows a sample keyboard layout and what the keys do. Your keys may be in a slightly different place, but if you have a key with the same or a similar name, it should work. We say "should" because there are situations in which the keys won't work—for example, if you use Emacs on a remote machine. We recommend that you also learn the standard Emacs commands; they work on any keyboard, and they are often easier to reach once you learn them.

Figure 2-4. Emacs commands and your keyboard

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