Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

1.11 Summary

Now you know the basic commands for starting and stopping Emacs and for working with files. Chapter 2 builds on these commands to give you the skills you need for editing with Emacs. Table 1-4 summarizes the commands we covered in this chapter.

Table 1-4. File handling commands

Keystrokes Command name Action
C-x C-f File ? Open File find-file Find file and read it in a new buffer.
C-x C-v find-alternate-file Read an alternate file, replacing the one read with C-x C-f.
C-x iFile ? Insert File insert-file Insert file at cursor position.
C-x C-sFile ? Save (current buffer) save-buffer Save file.
C-x C-wFile ? Save Buffer As write-file Write buffer contents to file.
C-x C-cFile ? Exit Emacs save-buffers-kill-emacs Exit Emacs.
C-h help-command Enter the online help system.
C-h fHelp ? Describe Function describe-function Gives online help for a given command name.
C-h kHelp ? Describe Key describe-key Gives online help for a given keystroke sequence.
C-h tHelp ? Emacs Tutorial help-with-tutorial Start the Emacs tutorial.
C-h iHelp ? Browse Manuals info-goto-emacs-command-node Start the Info documentation reader.

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