Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

1.10.1 The Help Menu

1.10.1 The Help Menu

You can also use the Help menu to access help commands quickly, and you can get there either through the menu or through the lifesaver on the toolbar. On this menu, you find options we've discussed here: Emacs Tutorial, Describe ? Describe Key, and Describe ? Describe Function. It includes a host of interesting options, including access to the Emacs frequently asked questions (FAQ) file, a new search feature, and even an Emacs psychiatrist (you might tell it something like "Emacs is driving me over the edge today"). There's an interface to Info, Emacs's online documentation. Simply choose Read the Emacs Manual to start Info.

In this section, we've given a very brief introduction to a few of the paths you can take in the help system. There are many more help facilities; they are described thoroughly in Chapter 14. The help features we've described here should be enough to get you started; if you want to learn more, jump ahead to Chapter 14.

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