Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Building Run-Time Images from the Command Line

Building Run-Time Images from the Command Line

The Platform Builder for CE6 R2 plug-in for Visual Studio 2005 provides convenient access to batch files and build tools, but you can also run these batch files and build tools directly at the command prompt. Each build command in Visual Studio with Platform Builder corresponds to a specific build command, as listed in Table 2-2. Remember, however, to use the Open Build Window command in Visual Studio to open a Command Prompt window for this purpose. The standard command prompt does not initialize the development environment. The build process will fail without the presence of the required environment variables.

Table 2-2 Build commands and command line equivalents

Build Command Command Line Equivalent
Build blddemo -q
Rebuild blddemo clean -q
Sysgen blddemo -q
Clean Sysgen blddemo clean -q
Build And Sysgen* Blddemo
Rebuild And Clean Sysgen* blddemo clean cleanplat -c
Build Current BSP And Subprojects blddemo -qbsp
Rebuild Current BSP And Subprojects blddemo -c -qbsp

* Not recommended

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