Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Lesson 3: Analyzing Build Results

You are certain to encounter build errors during the software-development cycle. In fact, it is not uncommon to use compile errors as a syntax check for source code, although IntelliSense® and other coding aids available in Visual Studio 2005 help to reduce the amount of typos and other syntax errors. Syntax errors are relatively uncomplicated to fix because you can double-click the corresponding error message in the Output window and jump right to the critical line in the source code file. However, compiler errors are only one type of build errors that can occur. Other common build errors are math errors, expression evaluation errors, linker errors, and errors related to run-time image configuration files. In addition to error messages, the build system also generates status messages and warnings to help you analyze and diagnose build issues. The amount of information generated during the build process can be overwhelming. You need to know the different types and general format of build messages if you want to identify, locate, and solve build errors efficiently.

After this lesson, you will be able to:

? Locate and analyze build reports.

? Diagnose and solve build issues.

Estimated lesson time: 15 minutes.

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