Книга: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Exam Preparation Kit

Non-Real-Time APIs

Non-Real-Time APIs

When calling system APIs, or Graphical Windows Event System (GWES) APIs, be aware that some APIs rely on non-real-time features, such as for window drawing. Forwarding calls to non-real-time APIs may dramatically decrease system performance. Consequently, you should make sure that your APIs in real-time applications are real-time compliant. Other APIs, such as ones used for accessing a file system or hardware, can have an impact on performance because these APIs may use blocking mechanisms, such as mutexes or critical sections, to protect resources.


Non-real-time APIs

Non-real-time APIs can have a measurable impact on real-time performances and, unfortu­nately, the Win32® API documentation provides little detail on real-time issues. Practical experi­ence and performance testing can help you choose the right functions.

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