Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

9.5.2 Installing CEDET

9.5.2 Installing CEDET

Installing CEDET is fairly straightforward if you have a make command available. (For Windows users, you'll want to have the Cygnus Unix Distribution installed. It gives you access to a large subset of Unix tools which will come in handy far beyond the installation of the JDEE.)

After you download the CEDET distribution from SourceForge, unpack it wherever you want it to reside. Open a terminal window (or start a Cygwin bash terminal on Windows) and change to the directory where you unpacked the distribution. From there you should be able to run the following command:

shell$ make EMACS=

That process will probably take a few minutes to complete. The Lisp files will be compiled for you.

When the make command completes, you should be in good shape. The last step for CEDET is to update your .emacs file:

;; Turn on CEDET's fun parts
(setq semantic-load-turn-useful-things-on t)
;; Load CEDET
(load-file "/path-to-cedet/common/cedet.el")

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