Книга: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition Other indentation tricks Other indentation tricks

Whenever you are using indentation, you can use M-m (for back-to-indentation) to move to the first nonblank character on a line. On a line that's not indented, this command simply moves you to the beginning of the line. In other words, M-m brings you to the "logical" beginning of the line, which is what you usually mean when you type C-a.

Another indentation command is C-M-o (for split-line). You can use this command to create a stairstep effect. Move the cursor to the text that you want to put on the next line and press C-M-o. Note that there must be some text following the cursor in order for this command to work properly; if you try it at the end of a line, it does nothing.

Initial state:

We want to split this line.

Type: C-M-o

C-M-o splits the line at the cursor position.

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