Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse

5.2.1 Running the Simulation

5.2.1 Running the Simulation

The devices program needs to be started first. We’ll run it from a shell window outside of Eclipse. In a shell window, cd to ~/workspace/thermostat (note that “~” is a shortcut for your home directory). Both executables, thermostat_s and devices, are in this directory. Enter ./devices to start the devices program.

Back in Eclipse, right-click thermostat_s under the thermostat project in the Project Explorer view and select Debug As?Debug Configurations… to create a new debug configuration for this project. Name it whatever you’d like and select the thermostat project. Search Project doesn’t work for finding an application in a Makefile project, so you have to browse to the project directory in your workspace and select the file, thermostat_s. If you choose, enter a number in the Arguments tab for the program’s loop delay time in seconds. Click Apply and then Debug.

As before, Eclipse brings up the Debug perspective with the program stopped at the first executable line of main().

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