Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse



In this chapter we’ve looked at two advanced features of Eclipse, one built-in, and the other an add-on, that can greatly improve software productivity and reliability. UML is a powerful tool for visualizing complex software and deriving code templates from the graphical models. Although most open source UML tools tend to be oriented to Java, there’s nothing to prevent tools that have a C++ flavor. Eclipse plug-in Central lists 35 plug-ins in its UML category. It might be worth checking some of them out.

CVS is an integral part of Eclipse that brings some order to the potential chaos of team development. Project resources are checked in and out of a central repository in an orderly fashion, and conflicting changes can be easily identified for resolution. CVS tracks every change so that the code can be rolled back to any previous version if necessary.

In the next and final chapter we’ll look at how three embedded Linux vendors have adapted the open source Eclipse platform to build commercial products that address various aspects of the embedded development process.

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