Книга: Embedded Linux development using Eclipse




Fowler, Martin. 2003. UML Distilled: A brief guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language. (3rd ed.) Addison-Wesley.

Miles, Russ, and Kim Hamilton. 2006. Learning UML 2.0. O’Reilly.

Bruce Powell Douglass has been particularly prolific in writing about UML for embedded and real-time applications. His titles, all published by Addison-Wesley, include:

Douglass, Bruce P. 1999. Doing hard time: Developing real-time systems with UML, objects, frameworks, and patterns. Addison Wesley.

Douglass, Bruce P. 2004. Real-time UML: Advances in the UML for real-time systems. (3rd ed.) Addison Wesley.

Douglass, Bruce P. 2006. Real-time UML workshop for embedded systems. Addison Wesley.


Bar, Moshe, and Karl Fogel. 2003. Open source development with CVS. (3rd ed.) Paraglyph.

Cederqvist, Per. 2002. Version management with CVS. Network Theory Ltd.

Vesperman, Jennifer. 2006. Essential CVS. O’Reilly.

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